Community News Format Change

Craig MacGregor
Navio Collective
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2019

The Community News is changing format, the next Community Roundtable is scheduled for next week and the privacy protocol vote has ended.

Community News Format Change

The Community News has been a staple of the NavCoin community for the last few years. Each week we’ve written about all the important developments and happenings from within the community and shared them with the world. For the last three months the Community News has been sponsored by the Community Fund but as the funding proposal came up for renewal the network decided it was time for a change. The newly proposed format was voted on and passed in its first voting cycle.

Instead of publishing the community news every week, we will now be publishing it once a month as well as a write up of the community roundtable notes. The roundtable takes place on the first week of the month, after which the notes will be published, then two weeks after that, the Monthly Community News will be published. This means there will be an article published at least every two weeks and the social media posts will remain at a similar level to what we’ve already been doing.

For the full details of the new format, visit the reddit post.

It’s important to remember that the community news isn’t the only source of news within the community. The NavCoin Collective is a Medium publication which is open to anyone within the community to submit articles to. If you want to write an article about NavCoin, promote the project you’re working on, or anything else NavCoin related then publish your article to Medium and talk with proletesseract on Discord about how to get it published to the NavCoin Collective.

Discord is the main hive of activity for the community and we’re constantly discussing development projects and marketing activities. If you want to get right to the source of the news then jump on the NavCoin Discord Server and join the party.

Community Roundtable 003

NavCoin’s third monthly community roundtable discussion is scheduled for this coming Monday 1 July. So far, the roundtable discussions have been productive with a wide range of topics discussed and a positive uptick of community involvement. Being a decentralised project it can be difficult to coordinate community efforts and that is what these roundtables are trying to solve.

Everyone is welcome to join the discussion and bring their ideas or projects to the table. The format will be non-hierarchical and we hope it will help to connect individuals with the help and support they need to engage with and contribute to NavCoin.

Community members have already started posting topic suggestions to the roundtable channel.

Community Roundtable 003 is scheduled for 8PM GMT Monday 1 July 2019 on the NavCoin Discord Server, channel #roundtable.

Privacy Vote Ended

The privacy protocol implementation poll ended in its first cycle with 13470 votes FOR and only 53 against, an unprecedented and overwhelming show of support for new direction of NavCoin’s privacy protocol. Alex is currently working on the NavDAO extensions but plans to start working on this privacy update after those improvements are made with no definitive timeline set for deployment yet.

NavCoin, the Cryptocurrency Project for Africa

The second community contribution to the NavCoin Collective has been published by NavCoin Contributor Powered(crypto). The article makes the case that NavCoin is a good fit to help the unbanked in Africa due to how fast, cheap and easy to use it is.

You can read the full article on Medium — NavCoin, the Cryptocurrency Project for Africa

There’s been a recent surge in interest in NavCoin from the African community and it’s encouraging seeing more events and articles like this emerge.

New Exchange Listings

NavCoin is now available on two new exchanges;

Simple Swap

An instant exchange platform which supports over 250 currencies and simplifies the trading process.

Sato Wallet

As well as being an exchange, SatoWallet offers 40% dividend share from trading fees to holders of SatoWallet Shares.

Community Fund Projects Update

There is currently 91,652 NAV available in the community fund with 5 pending proposals and 0 pending payment requests actively being voted on.

There is only 1 new proposals being voted on this week by the network.

NavCoin NEXT Mobile (30,000 NAV)

NavCoin Developer Sakdeniz is requesting funding for his work on the NEXT mobile wallet.

+ More Existing Proposals

To check out the full list of pending proposals and payment requests, visit the community fund page of the block explorer.

And remember, anyone can submit a funding proposal which gets voted on by the network. To learn more about how the community fund works and kickstart your next crypto project, head on over to the NavCoin Community Fund page.

That’s all for this week. Don’t forget that you can receive the weekly report by email. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please sign up here.

And if you want your project included in the community news, jump on the NavCoin Discord and post it to the #weekly-update channel.

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