NavCoin Community Roundtable 002

NavCoin Collective
Published in
6 min readMay 29, 2019

The second community roundtable is on the horizon, beekart’s marketing proposals start to take shape and proletesseract proposes a website contributor bounty program.

NavCoin Community Roundtable 002

NavCoin’s second monthly community roundtable discussion is scheduled for this coming Monday 3 June. The first roundtable discussion was productive with a wide range of topics were discussed and a positive uptick of community involvement towards achieving the goals which were set. To read the cliff notes of the roundtable 001 head on over to the reddit thread u/jambaboba was kind enough to post.

Being a decentralised project it can be difficult to coordinate community efforts and that is what these roundtables are trying to solve.

Everyone is welcome to join the discussion and bring their ideas or projects to the table. The format will be non-hierarchical and we hope it will help to connect individuals with the help and support they need to engage with and contribute to NavCoin.

Community members have already started posting topic suggestions to the roundtable channel.

Community Roundtable 002 is scheduled for 8PM GMT Monday 3 June 2019 on the NavCoin Discord Server, channel #roundtable.

All Eyes On Us Marketing Proposal

NavCoin Contributor Beekart’s marketing proposal “All Eyes On Us” has passed its community fund voting cycle with strong support from the network. Since the proposal passed, Beekart been busy reaching out to the websites which were earmarked to run the campaigns and he compiled an execution plan. The amount requested from the community fund will cover two banner campaigns, an ad campaign, a writer’s bounty and the asset creation required for each campaign.

Beekart has already put forward the payment request for the campaigns since the publishers require the payment up front. You can view the payment request here and have your vote to unlock the funds for the campaigns.

The dollar value of Beekart’s community fund proposal is only around $5000 USD and advertising isn’t exactly cheap in the blockchain space. Some community members are coming forward with donations to help supercharge Beekart’s efforts and help give the banners even more reach. If you would like to make a donation to the campaigns you can do so directly to the address the payment request will be deposited to;


For more information on this community fund proposal as well as discussion around which advertising bundles the proposal should be spent on check out the proposal’s thread on reddit.

NavCoin Websites Bounty Program

NavCoin Developer proletesseract has put forward a community fund proposal to seed a bounty program to maintain the main NavCoin websites. Because NavCoin is an open source and community driven initiative anyone can freely use, trade, accept, implement, integrate, promote or develop NavCoin. This means the websites are constantly needing to be updated with the latest news, projects, exchanges, merchants, tutorials and more.

There are three websites covered by the bounty program;

NavCoin —

This is the main public facing site for NavCoin. It contains information about what NavCoin is, where to buy it, how to store it, where to spend it and how the protocol works.

NavHub —

This is the website dedicated to all the layer two applications of NavCoin and the wider community beyond the core protocol.

NavCoin Knowledge Base —

This is the website where guides, tutorials and troubleshooting information for NavCoin’s ecosystem of products, websites and services exist.

There will be a wide range of bounties available including; translation maintenance, writing troubleshooting guides, design improvements and functional development of new features and enhancements. There should be something for all skill levels and not everything will require a deep web development knowledge.

For more information on the bounty program check out it’s thread on reddit.

You can also view the proposal on the block explorer.

NavCoin Core Progress Report

NavCoin Developers aguycalled, mxaddict and proletesseract continue to make steady progress on NavCoin Core. Two more pull requests have been merged to master this week making a total of 13 PR’s ready for inclusion in the next version of NavCoin Core.

Most notably was the closing of mxaddict’s PR #461 which resolved issues #427 #471 and #473. Now it’s possible to run the cross platform gitian build from a docker container rather than having to configure a Virtual Machine or Virtual Server to run the build. This downgrades the complexity of doing cross platform builds from something which took many difficult hours to initially get working to something which can run with just a few commands. With this new setup the windows builds are deterministic and the .exe hash is again verifiable.

To check out everything that’s being worked on head on over to the NavCoin Core GitHub repository and take a look at the Issues and Pull Requests tabs. There’s still plenty of issues with developer bounties assigned if you want to earn some NAV and contribute to NavCoin Core. All you have to do is claim an issue or if you find a feature or bug you want to work on then write your own issue and request a bounty assessment from aguycalled.

NavCoin Projects Update

NavCoin Developer prodpeak has made further progress on the NavPool project and has launched a private beta test of the platform in collaboration with some community members on discord. The have been largely helping to iron out any bugs before the site launches and are making good progress identifying and resolving any issues. Prodpeak expects the NavPool site to be publicly launched in about two weeks time.

NavCoin Developer sakdeniz has been busy working on the NEXT mobile wallet adding cold staking, multi language and multi currency support. The project is still about a month away from releasing a beta version for android, but he is making steady progress.

To learn more about these projects or get involved make sure you join us on the NavCoin Discord Server.

New Exchange Listings

NavCoin is now available on two new exchanges;

Simple Swap

An instant exchange platform which supports over 250 currencies and simplifies the trading process.

Social Send

Social Send is a social micropayments platform and crypto exchange.

Remember that it’s always up to you to do your own due diligence before sending your NAV or other forms of money to any third party service.

Community Fund Projects Update

There is currently 83,000 NAV available in the community fund with 6 pending proposals and 3 pending payment requests actively being voted on.

There is only one new proposals this week;

Websites Bounty Program (25,050 NAV)

This will seed the Websites Bounty Program which is intended to help maintain and advance the three main NavCoin websites.

+ More Existing Proposals

To check out the full list of pending proposals and payment requests, visit the community fund page of the block explorer.

And remember, anyone can submit a funding proposal which gets voted on by the network. To learn more about how the community fund works and kickstart your next crypto project, head on over to the NavCoin Community Fund page.

That’s all for this week. Don’t forget that you can receive the weekly report by email. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please sign up here.

And if you want your project included in the community news, jump on the NavCoin Discord and post it to the #weekly-update channel.

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NavCoin Collective

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