NavCoin News — August 2019

Craig MacGregor
Navio Collective
Published in
6 min readAug 21, 2019

NavCoin has been integrated into Magnum Wallet, three airdrops are underway and the first steps of NavCoin’s privacy improvements have begun.

Magnum Wallet Integration

At the end of July NavCoin Community Moderator Juguelio submitted his Community Fund proposal to the NavCoin DAO which would sponsor the integration of NavCoin into Magnum Wallet. The proposal passed and he has been working closely with the Magnum development team to make the integration happen. We are pleased to report that NAV is now available inside the Magnum Wallet as one of the cryptocurrencies which the wallet can store and spend.

Magnum Wallet is a non-custodial lite wallet that incorporates cold staking and airdrops directly into the wallet itself. It comes as an app or as a web wallet and the wallet offers ledger support for compatible coins.

To promote the integration Juguelio and Magnum ran a successful airdrop campaign that saw NavCoin’s Twitter, Reddit and Telegram channels grow by thousands of users over a short few days as people joined to claim their free tokens in the promotion.

These types of projects show the power of the NavCoin DAO and how any community member can use the fund to both advance the technology and increase adoption. You don’t have to be a developer, all you need is a good idea and a plan to make it happen.

NavCoin Air Drops

Along with the Magnum Airdrop there have been two other successful airdrops lately used to promote NavCoin to various audiences.

NavCoin Contributor salmonskinroll ran his NavCoin DAO sponsored airdrop to the biggest cryptocurrency forum in Taiwan. This airdrop was a big success with over twice as many people applying for the airdrop than anticipated. This airdrop outlined a series of steps that people could do to claim more coins like download the NEXT wallet or test the NavCoin Core 4.7.0 Release Candidate. This approach means it’s more manual and time intensive but also has more interactions with genuine users rather than twitter bots.

NavCoin Contributor Nio also wanted to get in on the airdrop excitement and sponsored his own EON airdrop campaign to encourage users to vote for NavCoin to be added to the Exscudo Exchange. To participate in the airdrop you can download Exscudo’s Channels App and add Nio (EON-KTZ5U-L5564-KG6MM) to claim your EON and vote for NavCoin.

NavCoin Privacy Improvements

The community’s discussions on privacy protocols concluded that the technical decision of implementation should ultimately be made by the NavCoin development community as long as the chosen solution adheres to two simple rules; the supply must be always audit-able and staking must not be done with private coins.

With these two objectives and maximum privacy in mind NavCoin Developer aguycalled has started work on the first part of NavCoin’s new private transaction protocol and has opened a pull request which introduces Dandelion support to NavCoin Core.

Dandelion is a transaction routing method that provides formal anonymity as described in the Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 0156. Essentially the protocol makes it impossible to figure out the IP address that originated a transaction on the network which was previously possible by coordinated deanonymisation attacks.

The deanonymisation attack prevented by Dandelion routing is present in the current Bitcoin protocol and all its descendants who rely on the diffusion method instead. While the full scope of NavCoin’s new private transactions hasn’t been fully investigated, Dandelion is not part of the consensus mechanism, it operates on the peer to peer network layer and is something which is useful no matter which direction the protocol takes.

Once 4.7.0 is released the rest of the NavCoin Development community can work with aguycalled to get the implementation tested and deployed.

Community Trello Boards

During the last NavCoin Roundtable the community expressed interest in reviving the Trello boards which we used to use to help coordinate and manage tasks throughout the community. Some effort has been made to setup new public Kanban boards for Development, Marketing & Social Media.

Each board has been seeded with instructions on how the board works and what each column is used for. The current social posts roster and any cards which were still relevant from the old boards have been migrated to the new new locations.

Since NavCoin is a decentralised project it is important for the community to have the right tools in place to help coordinate effort and identify areas where people can get involved.

If you’re interested to suggest posts for the NavCoin social media managers to publish, propose and discuss marketing initiatives or collaborate on development projects then please reach out to any of the moderators on discord who can help get you added to the boards to get involved.

NavCoin Website Improvements

The NavCoin Websites Bounty Program continues to make steady improvements to the NavCoin websites covered by the program.

Over the last month Roast and Magpie have been working to fix up the Italian translation of which is now fully translated and deployed.

The “Project Overview” PDF that was requested at the last roundtable has been updated with the latest information and added to the Why NavCoin page across the site. You can check out the PDF here;

Magnum Wallet has been added across all the translations to the wallets page.

The NavCoin “Roadmap” has been renamed to “Project Activity” to more accurately communicate that it is simply the ideas and current projects of people who make up the decentralised NavCoin development community.

The Project Activity page is also now a dynamic React component similar to the News on NavHub and is being managed directly from the NavCoin Core GitHub project. With the addition of the Community Trello boards, one idea is to also include those cards on a section of the project activity page to display in more depth what is happening in the community outside of core development.

All in all it’s been a productive month for the web developers working on the site and claiming bounties. If you want to get involved in maintaining the sites just jump on GitHub or Discord and have a chat with us.

NavCoin Core 4.7.0 RC Update

The Release Candidate for NavCoin Core 4.7.0 is still being worked on as patches have been developed by issues found in testing. Currently there are two open PR’s which need to be reviewed and merged before another release candidate will be published.

The remaining fixes are close to being approved and we should expect to see another release candidate available for testing before the end of this week. Once the release candidate has circulated sufficiently and proven to be stable version 4.7.0 will be published publicly.

To be part of our beta testing program please join the NavCoin Core development community on Discord and GitHub.

Community Fund Update

There is currently 54,778 NAV available in the community fund with 3 pending proposals and 3 pending payment requests actively being voted on.

There are 3 new proposals being voted on since the last update.

Video Tutorial Series (25,000 NAV)

NavCoin Content Creator Colvano (ex NavTechServers) has put forward a proposal to fund a new video tutorial series (11 videos) about NavCoin to be published to YouTube and the Knowledge Base.

View the proposal on NavExplorer »

NavCoin Brand Coloured Spray Paint (800 NAV)

A NavCoin Community Member wants to purchase NavCoin brand coloured spray paint and tag the NavCoin logo in public bathrooms throughout Oslo.

View the proposal on NavExplorer »

Brazilian Youtuber Sponsorship (3,220 NAV)

NavCoin Portuguese Ambassador Giovany Rega wants to sponsor Brazilian Youtubers to create videos about NavCoin for the Brazilian crypto community.

View the proposal on NavExplorer »

+ More on NavExplorer

To check out the full list of pending proposals and payment requests, visit the community fund page of the block explorer.

And remember, anyone can submit a funding proposal which gets voted on by the network. To learn more about how the community fund works and kickstart your next crypto project, head on over to the NavCoin Community Fund page.

That’s all for this month. Don’t forget that you can receive the monthly news by email. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please sign up here.

And if you want your project included in the community news, jump on the NavCoin Discord and post it to the #monthly-update channel.

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