NavCore Project Progress & Nav Community Involvement

Navio Collective
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2018

There’s been a lot happening this week as the new Encrypt S Developers start contributing to their projects. You’ll be updated on each project’s progress as milestones are achieved. Don’t forget NavCoin is open source so you can follow along on the NavCoin GitHub and even get involved by contributing to the code yourself!

NavCoin Core Project Progress

This week NavPi Kowhai has seen a significant increase in GitHub activity as Mike gets up and running as a full-time contributor. As well as helping Mike get started, Paul has been busy setting up development containers so all new developers can get up and running faster. So far he’s set up dev containers for NavCoin Core, NavMorph and NavPi Kowhai. Paul is also working to investigate upgrade and maintenance paths for the main repositories which have been forked from NavCoin Core and NavPay. This will allow them to be more easily updated as new versions get released on the original repository.

Matt has been helping Rowan started on the NavMorph project, as well as some helpful peripheral tasks like flashing NavPi SD cards and writing articles for the Knowledge Base. Rowan has started reviewing NavMorph. First to get an overview of where it’s at, to see how he can contribute and understand what needs to be audited before moving forward. As well as NavMorph, Rowan has been in talks with community moderator mntyfrsh about strengthening and standardizing the server architecture of the primary NavCoin services that Encrypt S hosts.

Alex continues to make progress on NavCoin Core with about five pull requests being completed this week. The rest of the Encrypt S developers are busy working with Alex to increase their understanding of the NavCoin Core codebase and support his pull requests by performing code reviews and approving merges. The Encrypt S developers are also joining the wider community efforts to test the Community Fund for any bugs or improvements that need to be implemented. Once the community is happy that it works correctly, it will be added to the main network through the built-in majority network consensus approval process.

You can see all of this on a daily basis if you follow the NavCoin Core GitHub repositories. The progress indicators on the project roadmap have been updated.

The NavCoin Community

Encrypt S remains fully committed to assisting the development of NavCoin, and all its projects and initiatives. This should be abundantly clear from our actions over the recent months. It’s a big job though and we can’t do it all by ourselves. We need your help.

NavCoin is a community initiative. NavCoin ran no ICO or token sale to fund its development. NavCore contributors are entirely self-funded community members and individuals who believe in the NavCoin project.

Encrypt S contribute to and try to guide the NavCoin project as best they can, but Encrypt S is really just part of the wider NavCoin community. Ultimately NavCoin’s future is in the hands of everyone. It’s this approach that has made Bitcoin so strong.

In the spirit of being an open source project, Encrypt S is working on ways to further decentralize the stewardship of NavCoin, with a higher level of community involvement in the websites and social media accounts. For obvious reasons the NavCoin twitter password can’t be made public nor can every community member be an Admin to the NavCoin website, but it’s important that the community is fairly represented through these channels. The Community Fund will be a big help to all of the NavCoin projects and initiatives of the wider community. So make sure you help test it and get it across the line!

For now, the best place to get in touch with the NavCoin Core team is through Discord. If you’re running a NavCoin competition, working on a cool NavCoin project, or want something changed on the website let the community moderators know and they’ll get on it!

More transparent and democratic ways to get the NavCoin community involved are being investigated. There will be more to come on this in future updates.

That’s all for this week,

NavCoin Core team

