NavPay 4.6.1 Released

Craig MacGregor
NavCoin Collective
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2019

After noticeable performance issues with the current cloud host for the servers behind the NavPay lite wallet, the system has been migrated to a new host with more cost effective and performant servers.

The 4.6.1 release includes some new features which will improve the portability of NavPay wallets between backend providers and automates some of the necessary wallet steps for connecting to a new bitcore-node instance.

Although everything a NavPay wallet needs to create private keys as well as create and sign transactions all exists inside the application and is never known by the server, the bitcore-node version we have requires wallets to register as a “copayer” on the server before they can transact. In NavPay 4.6.0 and below the software did not handle the situation of a wallet not being a registered copayer and would require the user to manually re-register, or if they were importing a mnemonic, it simply wouldn’t create the wallet.

These issues have been resolved in NavPay 4.6.1 and now the wallet will automatically register as a copayer if the back end can’t find it and also automatically scan for balance on the wallets addresses.

This should increase portability between back end providers and remove the requirement to replicate the copayer database across multiple back ends.

The second issue addressed is adding multiple backends directly into the wallet rather than putting a load balancer in front of multiple servers. On start up the wallet will now attempt to communicate with the first back end server in the list. If it fails it will try the next one on the list and set whichever one it gets a response from first as the server it will use for the duration of the session.

With both of these in place, we are able to add multiple back end servers to provide redundancy and seamlessly switch between them with no disruption to the user experience. With this setup other willing individuals could even set up their own bitcore-node servers and help to maintain the NavPay network.

The 4.6.1 update has been pushed to the Google Play store and should be available on your device now or within the next 24 hours.

If you use the wallet on desktop, you can grab the new version from the NavPay Project Page on NavHub.

Or directly from the GitHub release 4.6.1 Migration Support.

And if you’re using the web wallet, just as usual.

To confirm you’re on the latest version, navigate to Settings > About NavPay.

Then you should see Version v4.6.1 and Commit hash #6973b74

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