NavTech page, NavPi update, and London MeetupNavTech information page

Navio Collective
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2018

This week the NavCoin content creators have launched a new page on the website with top level information about NavTech. A community event is on the horizon for London NavCoin enthusiasts, and we get you up to date on all the development projects happening in the community. Plus there’s a light update to the NavPi and some scam prevention tips for the NavCoin community.

NavTech information page

The NavCoin content creators continue to add project pages to the NavCoin website. The aim is to make it easier for newcomers to learn about the range of NavCoin projects by providing information pages for each of them.

There are now standalone pages for NavPay and NavTech, with more rolling out over the next few months.

You can check it out the NavTech page here

NavCoin meet up in London

On the 7th of March, there will be a community get together in London. This is the first meet up in the UK and is being organised by ‘Spiritar3’. It’s sure to be an amazing night and a great way to meet other community members.

If you’re in London, definitely try and get along!

Sign up here:

NavPi update

Encrypt S developers have released a minor update to the NavPi image which bumps the version to v1.0.8. There was an edge case bug reported where manually saving the “main address” then restoring a different wallet from backup would not display the reset main address. The number of affected users is negligible, but the NavCoin Core developers wanted this fix deployed before the latest batch of NavPi was shipped. This update is a simple patch to the UI which can be applied to existing NavPi devices by updating the user interface. How to do it is explained in the Knowledge Base.

If you are new to the NavPi and want to build your own Raspberry Pi staking unit, you can download the latest image from the NavCoin website.

There are still some pre-built NavPi available for purchase on the NavCoin Store.

Development Update

It’s busy at Encrypt S in Auckland as they contribute to projects in the pipeline, including NavPi Kowhai, NavMorph and NavCoin Core. In parallel they’ve been working on streamlining development processes, adding new testing suites, defining upgrade paths for forked projects, and doing a lot of peer programming. Alex has been spending time with the new Encrypt S developers, walking them through the NavCoin Core source code to get them up to speed. They’ve begun upgrading and consolidating the existing server infrastructure for NavPay, NavTech and the NavCoin websites. Mntyfrsh, a cloud infrastructure expert, is collaborating with the NavCoin Core developers to design a scalable solution for these services. There will be more to report as the plan develops.

Other groups in the NavCoin community are also moving ahead on cool new projects. Sakdeniz is working on a new wallet interface for the NavCoin Core daemon that will give a fresh look to the desktop wallet using VueJS. You can check out a static preview of the interface he’s working on at the navcommunity website.

Prodpeak is working to port bitcoinj for NavCoin to power an alternative block explorer written in Java. This will offer redundancy if there are any issues with the current cryptoid block explorer.

Both these projects have been added to the NavCoin project roadmap as we start to include some of these other projects amongst the core teams efforts.

Social Media Scams

There are a lot of scams going around at the moment that impersonate accounts and ask for users to donate coins, particularly on Twitter. NavCoin has been the target of a scam this week where an account impersonating us asks for ETH donations. This user has been reported to help stop anyone getting scammed, but it’s a good time to remind everyone of NavCoin’s policy on donations.

The NavCoin Core contributors won’t ever ask for donations/coins on social media channels. This includes Twitter, Reddit, Discord, Facebook, Instagram, Instagram and Medium. The only place that donation addresses are located is on the NavCoin website.

If you ever wish to link to these donation wallet addresses, please link to the ‘Getting Started’ URL:

Be careful out there.
NavCoin Core team

