Project Updates + Video Content

Navio Collective
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2018

Over the past week the Core Developers and Content Creators began taking the final steps towards the launch of NAV OpenAlias, the Community Fund, the Collab website, and the refreshed website. These are all major projects, which have absorbed hundreds of hours throughout 2018. Once they’re complete it’s hoped that they will make it easier for anyone to participate in the NavCoin ecosystem, and engage with other like-minded community members.

Developer Updates


NPIP004 — the Static Block Reward proposal (mentioned in last week’s Community News), and ‘NavPi Lite’ have been added to the roadmap. You can read more about NPIP004 in this Reddit thread:

NavPi Lite features a simpler build and interface to help manage the resource overhead issues which some community members have been experiencing while staking their NAV using the NavPi.

Sakdeniz’ Next wallet, Prodpeak’s NavExplorer and Hash512’s NavCoin m8 have been moved to ‘Completed.’ Work on these projects of course continues, but they have been officially launched into production. Check out the Roadmap here:


Core Developers continued working on the website refresh in tandem with the Core Content contributors. There are 12 pages being redesigned with new content added. It’s a big project and will take another few weeks to finish. Look out for status updates in future editions of Community News.

Some bugs were identified and fixed on the new website. The new NavCoin Core 4.3.0 wallet, which will be available to download shortly, will activate OpenAlias for use.

If you haven’t done it already, claim your OpenAlias NavName now:

Community Fund

Fixes for the bugs that were found in the Community Fund have been implemented and are currently being tested. The testing and retesting process for the Fund has been long and intensive, but considering that the Community Fund accumulates 250,000 NAV per year, it’s important that the funds are completely secure.

The Collab website is being tested and refined. Once the Community Fund is live, it’s hoped that the Collab site it will become a focal point for everyone involved in making proposals. You’ll be able to discuss your project, ask for and receive advice, and invite other community members to join your team.


To enable OpenAlias integration with NavPay, new versions were built for Windows, OSX, Android, and the web wallet. Community developer Prodpeak’s NAV Explorer ( is now the default block explorer tool on NavPay, replacing CryptoID.

New exchanges

In the past few months NavCoin has been listed on Changenow and Coindirect, with Coinswitch expected to join them soon. Listing on Blockbid is at beta stage, so look out for more information on that.

To see other exchanges where you can buy NAV check out

It’s important to understand that this isn’t a recommendation or endorsement of these exchanges. You must do your own due diligence before you use any exchange.


It’s time for another shout out to CoinPayments, who help everyone in the NavCoin community by making it easy to pay using NAV. To support Coin Payments visit their directory of stores which accept NAV, and buy something.

If you have store or blog and want to enable customers to pay using NavCoin, CoinPayments make it easy with a range or plug-ins and merchant tools.

Core Content Creators

Video content

Over the past few months the Core Content Creators have been working on concepts for home page videos for the and the Community Fund. The video will highlight the scope NavCoin ecosystem, and the Community Fund version aims to inspire people to get into action and make a funding proposal.

The scripts are almost finalised, and work is about to begin on the production schedule, and sourcing talent and crew.

That’s all for this week,

NavCoin Core

