Updated Roadmap and Kauri Wallet

Navio Collective
Published in
6 min readJun 20, 2018

First up this week is a reminder about the latest version of the NavCoin Wallet that is available for download.

When you download this update you’ll add your vote to the 75% consensus necessary to enable accumulation of NAV into the Community Fund. You can read more about how this works at the community fund project page:

Download NavCoin Core 4.2.1 here:

You can also see the progress of how many votes the soft fork has with Prodpeak’s block explorer:

In other news this week, Encrypt S have updated their projects on the NavCoin Community Roadmap to include the Kauri Wallet project, Craig embarks on a tough charity challenge, and community members have posted handy tips on choosing the right NavCoin wallet and updating to NavCoin Core 4.2.1.

What’s happening in the community

It’s always interesting hearing how people got into crypto. With that in mind, xVicious started this fascinating thread on Reddit — asking community members to share how they first became aware of NavCoin. What’s your NavCoin story? Join the conversation here.


In this latest post at navcoinitalia.com Nio (on Discord) talks (in Italian) about SEC regulations and what they could mean for decentralised cryptocurrencies. Watch it here.

If you’re unsure about the differences between the NavCoin wallet options then this infographic by @NavTechServers has the answers. Get full details of their respective features here:


Keith from @CryptoCoinMind posted this step by step video on Youtube that shows how easy it is to update to the new NavCoin Core 4.2.1 wallet.

Globe-trotting NavCoin Core developers Matt and Rowan caught up over a beer with community moderator Jonathan in Berlin.

It looks like Rowan definitely earned that beer — here’s another perspective from his visit to Iceland on his way to Berlin.

By now NavCoin Core Developer Craig (prole on Discord) is a few days into his Oxfam Refugee Ration Challenge. Over the course of the week, he will discover what it’s like to survive on the strictly limited amount of very basic rations Syrian refugees are issued, Craig’s aim is to raise $10,000 NZD for the cause. You can show your support by following his journey on his Instagram and Twitter.


Or you can sign up as a sponsor here.

Technical updates

There are a few updates to the projects Encrypt S works on in the roadmap on the NavCoin community site. The main changes involve the addition of the Kauri Wallet, including the extended features that are being built on top of it. You can see the changes here:

And the full details about the new Kauri Wallet here:

The Kauri wallet is a new open-source multi-currency wallet that is being developed by Encrypt S. NavCoin will be the first coin to get access to the wallet’s advanced features.

You can read more about how the Kauri wallet came about in this post by Craig:

The latest work by developers on Kauri has included:

  • Added automatic testing of the app size so it doesn’t grow too large, unnoticed.
  • Added performance benchmarking.
  • Merging translations into the build and deployment processes, so Kauri can work across all platforms in multiple languages.
  • Investigation and testing of different library options for the core Kauri Wallet blockchain code, including bcoin, bitcoin-js and bitcore-core libraries.
  • Research and discussions about the wallet UX.
  • Research how to create a decentralized exchange that works seamlessly with Kauri and other platforms.
  • Development of a feature for Kauri API that allows it to be run with zero-configuration. Developers will be able to run the binary on their machines and the Kauri API will automatically download, extract, configure, and start the navcoind daemon utilising a custom data directory, so that the default nav configuration directory is left intact. This will allow for a smooth development workflow as devs connect front-end Kauri wallet UI elements to the API while working via localhost.
  • Set up a pipeline for translating the app.
  • Setting the base translation solution to enable automated updating of translation files when text is changed in the app.
  • Creation of a tool to check how many lines in app are untranslated for each of the supported languages.

Look out for more updates and information as work on this project proceeds over the coming months.

Prodpeak made a post on Reddit asking for ideas on new features to add to the NavExplorer block explorer tool. Read his post and chip in your thoughts via the comments section.


Alternatively you can collaborate with him on GitHub.

Have you taken a look at community developer Sakdeniz’ NEXT wallet yet? Last week he released the the 1.0.2 alpha version for Windows, MacOS and Ubuntu. You can see the release notes here.


Work continued on NavCoin Core to allow the creation of unit tests for the Community Fund and testing of upcoming new cold staking features, and Docker releases were created for both 4.2.0 and 4.2.1.

Content updates

Have you seen the NavCoin Brand Guidelines? It’s a great place to start when you want to start developing your own material for NavCoin. It’s comprehensive and everything is laid out clearly, making it easy to create great looking videos, banners, infographics or whatever else you want to create.

Download your copy the Navcoin Brand Guidelines here.

Last week this animated video introducing NavCoin 4.2.1 was created and launched on social media. The aim was to:

  • Generate awareness of the update to the NavCoin Core protocol.
  • Let NavCoin stakers know where to download the new wallet if they agree to the consensus change.
  • Show how accumulation of NAV in the Community Fund will work.

If you haven’t already downloaded the new NavCoin Core 4.2.1 wallet to add your vote to the 75% consensus necessary to begin accumulating funds, you can get it here.

That’s all for this week,

NavCoin Core

