Are You Collecting a Pile of Underpants? Stop Researching and Start Doing

Naveen Sivakumaran
Naveen Sivakumaran
Published in
5 min readOct 24, 2017

I’ve lost count of the times when I’ve been inspired to start a side project, only to find myself with zero progress, but plenty of knowledge. As long as I was doing my research on the idea and figuring out how to execute, I thought I was on the way.

I’ve learned that research is a form of procrastination. It blinded me into thinking I was making progress, while all I was doing was fine-tune my idea based on theory and the experiences of others.


To overcome my thirst for knowledge and many failed attempts at execution, I received a final kick in the pants through a book (no surprise there).

If you’re like me, and are reluctant to take the first step, and then some, read on.

Here’s how I hope to battle researchitis and run with one idea over 30 days. What follows is my struggle with “doing”. And a few useful pointers that can help you.

After staring at the dreaded blank screen for what felt like eternity, and conveniently remembering a thousand other things that I suddenly “needed” to do (funny how when there is an important task at hand, we remember every item on our mundane to-do list ), I’ve begun to write.

I’ve toyed with the idea of building a digital footprint through blogging for a long time. Even had people say, “You do heaps of writing for clients, yet you never write for yourself!”

Smack!”. Awesome wake up call.

I purchased 3 different URLs (e.g., and Sat on them for years. Never took action. Read countless books. Watched several videos. In short, I was collecting huge pile of underpants.

Let me explain.

In South Park, the Underpants Gnomes sneak into people’s houses to steal underpants to build a business.

The problem — they keep collecting, but they do not have a plan to execute. There is no hustle. The result, a huge pile of underpants.

For proper context, check out Steve Kamb’s blog post on the subject.

How does stealing underpants relate to you?

Remember the last Gary Vaynerchuk (or other inspirational speaker) video you watched? You were pumped and ready to take on the world. You pictured being your own boss. You saw a thriving freelance business. You imagined yourself as a 1 percenter. Yet, a couple hours later, you were still at square one.

If you’re lucky (or unlucky), you decided to take action. You read books and blogs. Watched a number of videos. Fast forward a few months, and you’re still reading. Still researching. There is no real action! The research part is what I call collecting underpants. Steve’s epic blog post was an eye-opener. If “collecting underpants” was a country, and everyone guilty lived there, I’d be King.

I have an impressive book collection. And an equally impressive reading habit. However, I was gathering knowledge for the sake of it. Sometimes, I get moved to take action. I draw up immaculate plans. I execute for a week or so. Then I’d come across another “awesome” book and my work is abandoned in pursuit of another fix.

Books such as Way of the Seal (Mark Divine), Level up your Life (Steve Kamb), Turning Pro (Steve Pressfield), Choose Yourself (James Altucher) and The School of Greatness (Lewis Howes) saw me draw up detailed plans. Yep, I dominated Google Spreadsheet. And then, I dropped the ball. I didn’t take action.

A couple of weeks back when returning from an official visit to Singapore, as it is my habit, I slipped into a book store at the airport. One particular book screamed out to me. “Screw Work Break Free”. It was a 30-day action plan to brainstorm an idea and execute. I loved it.

I bought the book (along with Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla is Shaping our Future), and cracked it open. It’s Day 6 as I hit publish on this post.

I started the project jotting project ideas. From learning to code to becoming an online marketing consultant. Almost 20 ideas. Finally, I choose one that made the most sense — writing a blog.

This blog is my path to

  • discovering my voice
  • finding out what I’d love to do (I’ll eventually land on a subject that I love)
  • building an online presence
  • and having a good time in the process (most important).

If you, like me, are in the habit of consuming and not doing, join me on this journey.

I’m not a millionaire entrepreneur.

I’m not a sought after freelance writer (although, I do think I am good.;)).

I’m a lot like you.

I work a 9–5 job that I love. (More on that another time).

And I want to focus my strengths to have fun creating while helping people.

Remember, it all starts with an idea. But, ideas are a dime a dozen. It is only when you do something about it that you make progress.

And don’t sit around waiting for that perfect idea. It’ll never come. Just pick one and run with it. Correct course as you go along. Or, worst case, abandon ship, and start off with another. 30 days is all it takes.

When you look back a month from now, you’ll be more happy with an idea that you tried and failed at rather than a 1,000 ideas that flitted through your mind.

The answer ? NOTHING! Source:

If all else fails, look back at your last year. How have you grown? And, where would you be had you acted on one of your ideas one year ago?

Drop a line and let me know. It’d be great to connect with fellow Underpants Gnomes who are beginning to break free.

