Curious if content marketing works? Try it and see.

Naveen Sivakumaran
Naveen Sivakumaran
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2021
Image courtesy of Okssi68 | Getty

Content marketing can make you feel like a puppy chasing tennis balls.

Which one do I chase?

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I caught one. What about those two?

Drop this and chase those?

Just like chasing tennis balls, chasing various content strategies has a low cost of entry. You don’t need big bucks to get started. Unlike traditional advertising.

Create something. Distribute. Analyse.

Continue. Or, move to the next tennis ball.

Try it and see.

Think your marketing lacks finesse? Hire a consultant or agency for a couple of months.

Curious about Google Ads? Put in $100 and see. What you spend outweighs hearsay.

Some more examples:

  • Starting a blog or Instagram channel
  • Redesigning your website

Worst case, you’ve wasted a bit of time and money. But, now you know better.

If it didn’t work, cross it off and move on.

If it does, your business grows!

Better brand presence. More sales. More money.

On the flip side, if in doubt about something that you’re doing, stop.

Cutting your losses is often better than seeing it through just because you started.

For example:

  • Not happy with your shitty agency? Fire them
  • Not enough ROI on Facebook? Try another platform
  • Content not working? Re-evaluate your strategy

Just stop and try something else.

When something is not working, doing it “bigger” won’t help.

When you start with a clean slate, you see clearly.

Your approach is revitalised.

You are enthusiastic.

So, if you are curious about something you are not doing, TRY IT.

If you are doubtful of something you are doing, DROP IT. TRY SOMETHING ELSE.

What are you going to TRY or STOP and see for your business?

