I failed to do this ONE thing daily, and I’m back at Square One

Naveen Sivakumaran
Naveen Sivakumaran
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2018

All the momentum I built, flushed down the toilet.

Motivation — Don’t even ask.

The Dream — glowing, only faintly, like an ember after the fire has been put out.

Photo by Wesley Balten on Unsplash

I frantically fan it, hoping to reignite the fire.

This short piece, hopefully, will be the fuel it needs.

All I had to do was commit 20 minutes, every day.

I could even take the weekends off. Even 10 minutes would have made a difference. But, I blew it.

I procrastinated. Even the lamest excuse was a valid reason NOT to write.

Today too I almost said to myself, “You’ve already wasted a month. A couple more days isn’t going to hurt”.

Determined to create and ship, no matter how crappy the piece is, I hopped on a train. An hour-long train journey resulted in this post.

Once I hit publish, I’m done for today. The battle has been won. Tomorrow, is another monster. I’ll deal with it when the clock hits 6 am.


Every grand dream encounters opposition.

The best laid plans fail.

Even Mike Tyson, at his peak, was stopped by James “Buster” Douglas.

You and me? We are mere mortals. We will fail more than we’d care to admit. Will it be the end of the road? Will we hang up our gloves? Or will we continue to fight our good fight?

Yes, I failed. But, it’s only permanent if I allow it.

This post is my first “Fuck You” at the Goliath standing before me. It is my first jab at a formidable opponent who jabbed, hooked and “uppercutted” me to the ground in Round 1. There are 11 more rounds to go.

I will keep jabbing and hooking, chipping away at his armor, until “creating” becomes second nature to me. Until I don’t have to look within me to find the motivation to write. Until procrastination becomes a thing of the past. Until resistance is defeated, beheaded and burnt!

Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

Showing up every single day. 10 minutes. 20. Or, even 60. It is the only way to create a body of work you can be proud of. It’s how you make progress, no matter what journey you are on.

Persisting when the chips are down, when none of it makes sense is the only way to secure your place among the Gods.

Enough thinking, planning and talking about it. The time to ACT is now!

