Two words to smash your projects in 2018 and beyond

Naveen Sivakumaran
Naveen Sivakumaran
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2018

No. This not a post about resolutions. Nor will it arm you with the tools to make superficial conversation with friends, “Oh, I’m planning on doing this, and that, and that too.

It’s not a bullshit motivational post to make you feel better.

It will not give you hope.

But, if you act, come 2019, you can look back and say, “Damn, it was one hell of a year”.

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

Before deep diving into the two words what will help you smash your goals, here are two words that will make you spew vomit like you’ve gone “bottoms up” on that last, putrid shot during NYE.

If only…

Your idea’s, your motivation’s, your soul’s final lament before it departs, forever.

Photo by Justin Schüler on Unsplash

The remnants of a potentially game changing idea, now languishing in the darkest corners of your mind.

It reeks of regret.

Not a good feeling if you ask me.

To avoid future “If only” moments, I looked at my seemingly insurmountable project and asked

What if…

What if I committed to writing just 5 minutes each day?

What if I focused on 100 words only?

What if I built a writing habit that was unbreakable?

What if” helped re-frame my mind to focus on the possibilities, by forcing me to look at the positives.

It helps paint a picture of potential success rather than one of gloom.

Let’s say that you wanted to start a side-project selling a product/service. Your current status — no contacts, ideas or resources.

Instead of looking at what you don’t have, why not ask…

What if you attend more networking events?

What if you hit up your friends to ask them for leads?

What if you sell all your unnecessary shit to raise some capital?

What if you start giving samples or offering your service for free?

The list goes on.

From a place of misery, you’ve now begun to look for opportunity. You’ll leave no stone unturned.

Remember, it is easy to give up on your project by focusing on what you don’t have. Too easy.

And, God knows, I’ve been there. It’s a battle I’ve not won, yet.

A couple days back, I watched Rocky Balboa, again. (True fans will understand)

Goosebumps when the following scene came up. Check it out.

Now, watch it again. And again.

Stop pointing your finger at everyone/everything else and hold yourself accountable.

I’ve blamed bad timing.

I’ve blamed my circumstances.

I’ve blamed my middle-class upbringing.

I’ve blamed people for their selfishness.

All the fucking time.

Guess what — it got me nowhere. It didn’t get the words on the screen.

Now, every time I’m cornered, I will ask:

What if …

Will you keep staring at the walls closing in on you?

Or will you focus on the possibilities?

Photo by Shashank Sahay on Unsplash

I promise you. “What if” will help rewrite your story.

Don’t be one of those assholes who, no matter what idea you pitch, will always focus on how NOT to do it.

What if” will help spot the chinks in the armor of your daunting project.

It helps identify ways of getting around that block.

It looks beyond the excuses.

It will shine light on the ledges that will help climb your mountain.

Photo by Dylan Siebel on Unsplash

However, there is caveat.

We’ve got to do the work.

We’ve got to show up.

Every day.

Like a prayer.

