You’re losing money by doing everything in-house

Naveen Sivakumaran
Naveen Sivakumaran
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2021
Image courtesy of sierrarat

Did you start your business because you love marketing?

Unless yours is a marketing agency, you ventured on your own because you saw an opportunity (or gap) in the market.

You might even be great at selling it. But, marketing…

Building your website. Optimising it for search. Creating engaging content. Managing your social media. Running advertising campaigns. Building funnels.

Still with me?

Here’s the thing…

Most business owners believe that their target customers share their enthusiasm for the product and will line up to buy. So, they plan to do a “little bit of marketing” by themselves.

Couple that belief with the need to keep costs low and doing all the marketing in-house.

The result — crickets.

See, unless you’ve got a mind-blowing product or a no-brainer service offer, you are obscure.

Good marketing helps you:

  • Get in front of your target market
  • Educate them
  • Differentiate your offer
  • Gain top of mind
  • Close sales

It is an art as much as it is a science. It’s not just posting a couple of pictures on Instagram!

Imagine your ideal day:

  • You work on what you love and are good at
  • You spend your energy on running the business (and family)
  • You have the peace of mind knowing an essential part of your business is in good hands
  • Your marketing on auto-pilot

On the flip-side, many small and medium-sized businesses that we’ve spoken to believe that handling their marketing in-house using an employee (often an under-worked secretary or the “new guy/girl”) is cheaper.

When we show them this is not the case, we turn them into believers.

Outsourcing is absolute value for money and beats doing it in-house any day!

What do you think? Drop me a comment and let me know.

