Invoke Mulesoft flow from Java

Naveen Raju
Published in
1 min readApr 26, 2018

I had a scenario where, I had to synchronously + recursively collect paged data from a REST API.

To get data as per the requirement, I had to do a loop in JAVA and call Mulesoft flow to collect data using the REST API. The following is the approach I chose to get the paged data in synchronous process.

Mulesoft flow code

<flow name=”common-codeFlow”>
……………… flow code goes here to get data from REST API…

Java code to call the above “common-codeFlow” recursively to collect the data.

This class in consumed in the flow using a JAVA component.

The following GetNextURIPagedData class implements Callable, FlowConstructAware, MuleContextAware to invoke the Mulesoft flow.

Java code in

public class GetNextURIPagedData implements Callable, FlowConstructAware, MuleContextAware {

MuleContext mContext;
FlowConstruct flowConstruct;

public void setMuleContext(MuleContext context) {
this.mContext = context;

public void setFlowConstruct(FlowConstruct flowConstruct) {
this.flowConstruct = flowConstruct;

public Object onCall(MuleEventContext eventContext) throws Exception {

String strPayload = eventContext.getMessage().getPayload().toString();

try {

MessageProcessor muleFlow = mContext.getRegistry().lookupObject(“common-codeFlow”);
MuleMessage muleMessage = new DefaultMuleMessage(eventContext.getMessage(), mContext);
System.out.println(“In Java Class : Getting data for URL : “ + muleMessage.getPayloadAsString());

MuleEvent inputEvent = new DefaultMuleEvent(muleMessage, MessageExchangePattern.REQUEST_RESPONSE,
mContext.getRegistry().lookupFlowConstruct(“common-codeFlow”) ,new DefaultMuleSession() );
//Code to invoke the
MuleEvent result = muleFlow.process(inputEvent);


} catch (Exception e) {

return “”;


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