[Customer case: IBK Bank] How a financial company strikes a balance between security and flexibility

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3 min readFeb 23, 2023

Digital transformation is becoming a “must” in the financial industry. Given its particular sensitivity to security in comparison with other industries, the financial industry is focusing on how to satisfy high standards of “security” and “flexibility”.

The IBK (Industrial Bank of Korea), a representative bank of Korea founded in 1961, is devoted to providing secure and convenient services to the clients. In line with this, announced is the news that the IBK Industrial Bank of Korea implemented NAVER Cloud’s Neurocloud-based system!

This is a case of the Industrial Bank of Korea, which is the first public and financial institution to set up a multi-cloud environment with hybrid cloud-based *CMP. We hope this insightful content will be of help to you!

* Cloud Management Platform (CMP): An integrated management platform that allows easy operation of various cloud infrastructures. It enables central monitoring and control of multi-cloud computing resources.

Solution — Neurocloud (CaaS: Cloud as a Service)

Neurocloud is a “hybrid, customer-only cloud” managed directly by NAVER Cloud.

The IBK Industrial Bank of Korea has set up cloud infrastructures and various services at once.

By setting up the sensitive personal and financial information system in a private cloud and work in connection with external organizations in a public cloud, the IBK Industrial Bank of Korea took advantage of each cloud’s strengths simultaneously.

Various other services were also set up. The bank set up new work environments such as the DevOps and Agile processes, along with opening many services that can be used for work which include data analysis environment and sandbox.

Evaluation of the service by an IBK personnel

🙋 Using cloud leads to heightened work efficiency and free flow of ideas without deep technical knowledge.

As IBK employees can receive architecture consultations through the cloud system built or directly create infrastructures through sandbox, it is very helpful when pursuing a new business.

🙋 The strengths of both private and public clouds are available.

NAVER’s Neurocloud was chosen instead of setting up a virtualization-based private cloud. Thanks to its characteristics, the synergy from the union of finance and non-finance could be applied immediately to the business.

🙋 The initial investment costs for building infrastructure are lower.

🙋 The trial and error of cloud usage has been minimized.

With NAVER Cloud, the trial and error was minimized, and the two strategies of optimal infrastructure conversion and digital business implementation were pursued simultaneously for accelerated digital transformation.

Point where accelerated digital transformation (DX) is necessary

This has been the case of the Industrial Bank of Korea, which challenged itself in securing a competitive edge and discovering new business models through digital transformation. We hope this insightful content will be of help to you!

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