[🏆News] Even homomorphic encryption is different with NAVER Cloud! Protect your personal information perfectly with our homomorphic encryption analysis technology.

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6 min readDec 1, 2022

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In today’s world, all data moves through the internet and the cloud. As this trend intensifies, leakage of personal information is becoming a more serious problem. In particular, personal information in the medical, financial, and public sectors requires even stronger security.

So today, we’d like to introduce you to a paper about a case where financial MyData and homomorphic encryption technology, which are safeguards that can protect data without even a 1% possibility of breach, were applied (along with the news of the paper winning an Excellence award. Shall we begin?👀

💻🔐 What kind of technology is homomorphic encryption?

Homomorphic encryption is a branch of cryptology. It’s attracting attention because it allows computation of data to be carried out while encrypted. If data is transferred as plaintext when personal information or information financial transactions are exchanged, it may lead to a large-scale incident by which data is leaked by a malicious hacker’s attack. 💥

However, all data is encrypted if you’re using homomorphic encryption, even in case of a security incident, so the hacker won’t be able to recognize the content of the data. There’s no problem!

When it comes to the relationship between service providers and customers, it’s possible to analyze and store data based on mutual trust, even when personal or sensitive information needs to be handled as the processed data is encrypted. This completely prevents the leakage of personal information.

🏅👍 We won the Excellence Award!

Hyeonmin Choi and Aeji Kim from NAVER Cloud, Cheolung Kim, Head of Financial Security Institute, Munsu Gwak and Gyuhwan Yun from NAVER Cloud (from left to right)

A research paper related to homomorphic encryption, written by NAVER Cloud Security Development team, has won an Excellence Award at the 6th Financial Security Institute paper competition, 2022! Here’s the acceptance speech from Hyeonmin Choi, one of the paper’s authors. 😎

As data analysis and utilization technologies develop, the issue of data privacy protection is becoming more and more important. NAVER Cloud has a solid homomorphic encryption product line that is being prepared, including HEaaN Homomorphic Analytics service product and a PaaS product, based on homomorphic encryption that is one of the representative technologies for privacy protection. We’ve been constantly researching homomorphic encryption technology and various application cases while we develop products. We believe that winning the award at this Financial Security Institute paper competition is a result of those efforts. We’ve developed machine learning algorithms based on homomorphic encryption such as K Means clustering, LinearSVM, and CNN. We plan to continue this research and development for improvement and expansion. I recommend our homomorphic encryption products for those who want to maintain data privacy while carrying out various statistical analysis and machine learning analysis. Lastly, the paper was able to come out thanks to Ohyeon Gwon, the head of the center who gave us active support and generous encouragement. I would also like to thank my co-authors who worked hard on this paper with me.

— Hyeonmin Choi, NAVER Cloud

Since homomorphic encryption is such a new and advanced technology, it’s still difficult to find any proper application cases. It’s truly amazing to see someone constantly study it, apply it directly to the related industry for the kind of work it actually needs it, and then share the result with everyone.👍

The paper that won the award covers practical use cases of homomorphic encryption with empirical analysis based on a P2P loan scenario. Its content could only be written after striving to find ways to heighten security in the financial sector using homomorphic encryption.

For those of you who wanted to use a NAVER Cloud’s homomorphic encryption product but didn’t know how to🙋🏻‍♂️, or who wanted to know about homomorphic encryption use cases in finance🙋🏻‍♀️, I recommend that you see the examples in the paper and apply them yourself in real life.

✨See the paper’s content✨

✔️ Significance of MyData

✔️ Homomorphic encryption and machine learning

✔️ Experiment on inferring P2P loan data’s default status based on homomorphic encryption

✔️ Suggestion of scenarios applying homomorphic encryption to financial MyData

Research associated to privacy protection measures for financial MyData using homomorphic encryption

💻🔐 How can I apply NAVER Cloud’s homomorphic encryption product to use?

NAVER Cloud has the “HEaaN Homomorphic Analytics” service, which is a product based on homomorphic encryption. In addition, “HEaaN Private Instances,” the world’s first public cloud homomorphic encryption PaaS product, was released on November 22, 2022 based on the paper that won the award.

💡 “HEaaN Private Instances” may be created once a contract for the “HEaaN Homomorphic Analytics” product is in effect.

NAVER Cloud implements world-class homomorphic encryption technology into a service that can be conveniently used in a cloud environment. It can easily be applied to tasks that handle personal or sensitive information.

Homomorphic encryption products that you can use now on NAVER Cloud Platform apply CKKS, the first homomorphic encryption algorithm where computation of real numbers is possible. This allows you to compute real numbers, unlike other homomorphic encryption algorithms based on integer computation.

CKKS is a homomorphic encryption algorithm that is optimized for machine learning and statistical computation, and various research efforts are continuously being conducted in academia and by corporations to this day since real number computation is possible. Even homomorphic encryption is different with NAVER Cloud! 👏

Calling for managers of medical, financial, credit, and public data who have to handle sensitive information! 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️ We recommend NAVER Cloud’s homomorphic encryption products, so there will be no problem at all in case of possible security incidents and resulting data leakage.

✨NAVER Cloud homomorphic encryption’s features and advantages at a glance✨

✔️ World-class homomorphic encryption technology

✔️ High technological superiority over other products (more statistical computation)

✔️ Only product to support cell computation

✔️ Provision of API based on distance calculation

✔️ Data leakage blocked at source

✔️ Insights through statistical analysis and machine learning

✔️ Optimal method that can be applied to regulated industries

✔️ Easy to use

✔️ Bootstrapping available (first among commercial cloud products)

✔️ Provides data combining feature in preparation for 3 data-related acts

NAVER Cloud continues to research and imagine ways to realize even more perfect security in terms of technology. We plan to carry on our in-depth thinking and research to provide real values for our customers by applying even more powerful security and next-generation technologies in the future.

Prevent problems of personal and sensitive information leakage completely with NAVER Cloud’s homomorphic encryption services with perfect security. 🙌

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