Social Media: Privacy, Security and Data Ownership 社交媒体:隐私,安全和数据拥有权

Do you really have them all? 你真的拥有它们吗?

Navera Protocol
4 min readNov 22, 2019


Billion dollars social media companies like Facebook have been dominating digital advertising since it’s IPO. The formula to this achievement?- As a centralized social media platform, Facebook has access to user’s personal data; whenever they do a search or click a link, they are able to capture our preference and behavior online. Therefore with such a huge database users on these platforms, advertisers are eager to engage them.

What is the problem?

While Facebook is feeding off users’ personal data for revenues, platform users, as the “owner” ,have minimal control and are not able to monetize personal data.

Is that all?

No. It was revealed in April 2018 that WhatsApp co-founder and CEO Jan Koum is leaving the company amid arguments with parent company Facebook over repeated attempts to make use of the personal data of their userbase. The timing of this couldn’t be worse for Facebook, who is doing damage control over the Cambridge Analytica scandal where Facebook is revealed to have shared the data of up to 87M users.

Facebook usage of WhatsApp user data has in fact, been going for some time. In 2016, it was reported that WhatsApp would conduct data sharing on information such as user’s phone numbers with Facebook after being pressured to change its terms of service, allowing more targeted advertising to their respective Facebook accounts.

Even so, WhatsApp has drawn a clear red line and resisted data collection from content within messages, using encryption end-to-end from sender to recipient to protect the data privacy of its users. That did not stop Facebook from pushing for the weakening of its data encryption.

Facebook is not the only culprit involved in data privacy or security incident. In 2016, personal information of 117m Linkedln users were hacked and sold by attackers.

Why is Centralization a problem?

Data privacy problems had ultimate arose due to the centralization of critical services and platforms that an overwhelming amount of people use — Google, Facebook, WhatsApp are some of the most popular examples. Not only is the data owned not private (as we have seen in Cambridge Analytica), the centralized system allows for a single point of failure that are vulnerable to data breaches.

Centralized platforms also benefit from a network effect, and as they gain a monopolistic market share, they are increasingly unlikely to prioritize the privacy needs of the individual user, especially since it would eat into their bottom line. The inertia is unfair for users who do not have a viable, alternative platform.

So, how could the issue mentioned above be solved?

With the advent of distributed ledger technology such as blockchain, a solution exists. An implementation of blockchain technology enables a transparent, auditable ledger where data cannot be collected and sent without the knowledge and consent of the user, and removes a single point of failure for potential data breaches.

Thankfully, with the exponential growth in blockchain technology, the idea of building a decentralized mobile data platform is within reach.

Introducing to you, Navera Protocol

Navera is a social-economy enabler dedicated to building a global decentralised communication network. Navera’s public blockchain protocol offers high scalability, security and speed for all decentralised social apps (DApps) in the Navera ecosystem.

Navera aims to provide solutions to existing problems faced by users on social media and communication platforms.

Social platform users will have full control over their own communication without being governed by centralised communication giants.

The masses can now regain rights to converse securely and privately through a decentralised platform, preventing the leakage and exploitation of data.

Navera focuses on providing freedom of quality content, directing advertisements according to a user’s preference and incentivizing users to engage actively on social platforms.

Data containing the user’s content, identity, and online behaviour will all be encrypted and stored on a decentralised platform.

Learn more about Navera
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否.2018年4月,WhatsApp的联合创始人兼首席执行官Jan Koum离开公司,与母公司Facebook争执不休,他们反复尝试利用其用户群的个人数据。对于Facebook来说,这样的时机再合适不过了,他正在对剑桥分析公司(Cambridge Analytica)丑闻进行损害控制,据透露,Facebook已共享多达8700万用户的数据。
Facebook不是涉及数据隐私或安全事件的唯一罪魁祸首。 2016年,攻击者入侵并出售了1.17亿Linkedln用户的个人信息。


由于关键服务和平台的集中化,最终导致了数据隐私问题。绝大多数人都在使用这些服务和平台-Google,Facebook,WhatsApp是最受欢迎的例子。不仅拥有的数据不是私有的(正如我们在Cambridge Analytica中所看到的),集中式系统还允许单点故障,这很容易受到数据泄露的影响。




纳威是致力于建立全球分散通信网络的社会经济推动者。 纳威的公共区块链协议为纳威生态系统中的所有分散式社交应用程序(DApp)提供了高可扩展性,安全性和速度。

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Navera Protocol

Navera is a privacy-centric protocol addressing the critical issues faced by social media users at the hands of centralized corporations