Sep’s the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Abhishek Gupta
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2 min readOct 18, 2021

Sometimes, it appears as if the world is changing faster than ever. Maybe, it is or maybe we are consuming too much information that intensifies our perception of the change. When I read the news, I can immediately observe how I feel more anxious, helpless and sometimes frustrated at the pace of the work we do. However, building an organisation takes a lot of time, and bringing substantial impact even longer. I only hope that there comes a time soon enough, where we move towards parity and not further away from it, and until then all our efforts would be directed towards it. Here is a quick update from September:

The Good

  1. We signed an MoU with the Tripura Government to open a new campus for 150 young women and transwomen in Agartala. The campus will be operational in November. Additionally, we would be teaching 10k tribal students from Tripura online through Meraki.
  2. We signed an MoU with the Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University (DSEU) to open a campus for 100 young women and transwomen in Dwarka, Delhi (to be operational from December).
  3. We got covered in Times Of India.
  4. We are organising a felicitation event for alumni who have paid forward on 23rd October at 11 AM. DM me to join the same :-)

5. We have launched Code India Fellowship to identify top talent from colleges and place them as trainers in tier-2/tier-3 colleges. 200+ applications have already been received. More details are available here.

6. 15 students got jobs in September. Roughly every week we get 10 inbound requests for hiring.

7. Our Bangalore and Sarjapura campuses are full at the moment and only admissions in the Pune campus are going on.

The Bad

  1. We are redesigning our hiring processes to ensure that we hire the right candidates, even if it means we go slow on that. The need also came about while reflecting on the attrition rate.
  2. Our design pilot was hit a snag, as we are looking for a new facilitator. It’s a residential position (Pune).


  1. We are looking for volunteers (preferably female) who can stay at campus and teach programming to our students along with our campus teams.
  2. On pay-forward to help us structure it better. (preferably someone with experience of working on SHGs or NBFCs)

We are hiring for more than 10 positions at

P.S: I got married last month :-)

