First NaviHack Winners

Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2018

Dear Naviaddress Community! We’d like to share a few insights about the winning projects of the first-ever Naviaddress Hackathon!

🥇 First Place: Team RAFiKi from Minsk, Belarus

This Team won with the great lead! They‘ve came up with the idea of BillaBoard – an aggregator service for outdoor advertising owners and buyers. By aggregating and analyzing third-party data, and combining it with information available on Naviaddress platform, they will bring the outdoor advertising experience on a whole new level!

🥈Second Place: Team ExDev from Moscow, Russia

This team’s idea is to create a user-friendly system for merchandising – NaviMerch. They need Naviaddress in this system to maintain a database of shops and stores, as well as to make the way for merchandisers to those shops easier by using our proprietary ‘last mile’ feature.

🥉Third Place: Team Traffox from Saint Petersburg, Russia

An application that helps you deal with housing management & maintenance. Here Naviaddress helps track the location of a maintenance company workers, and make them accounts for dealing with requests as efficiently as possible. The built-in machine learning will make the process transparent and ever-evolving.

What are your thoughts about the NaviHack projects? Would you try another implementation? Share your opinion, and thank you for being on TeamNavi!

