
Published in
3 min readJan 28, 2019

The most common consumer searches are for store locations and opening hours. A 2019 study on search statistics shows that 88% of consumer local business searches on a mobile device either call or visit the business within 24 hours. 72% of consumers, who search for local businesses, end up visiting stores within five miles. However, it is vital for businesses to be easily searched on the Internet and to have easy last mile directions, otherwise, the businesses lose their fair share of customers just because it is difficult for people to search and find the place. Almost all major retailers have it covered by now, but it’s surprising how many midtier and small retailers still fall down on this very basic point.

Naviaddress offers an easy solution. Naviaddress allows to digitize, create and update a Business Profile of a company: a set of digits combines a postal address, information about the business and a webpage. It works as a digital name and business’s website which doesn’t need any developers to created and support it.

Naviaddress allows to add relevant information about your business: photos of the place, business description, opening hours, detailed last-mile directions, contact details and social media. It works as a mini web page for businesses without a landing page.

Moreover, business owners can create separate naviaddresses for events held at their place, that also contain all of the relevant info such as the theme of the event, its schedule and time. So that you have the information about an upcoming event in one card, which is easy to share with one click.

Naviaddress allows to create Call-to-Action activities. Businesses can add a button for a client to request a callback, to contact the company via phone or to lead the client to the company’s website. We plan to add more options for the Call-to-Action buttons.

Naviaddress allows to make the route on a map or order a taxi to your Naviaddress (*at the moment the company has an integration with Uber, some more integrations with taxi providers are in the development).

Naviaddress also provides companies with simple online analytics. Businesses can measure call to action activities, estimate the sales revenue based on leads and clicks, and build custom audiences using naviaddress analytics to re-engage and retarget customers.

Naviaddress works as indexed micro website or landing page with user content, such as company description, business hours data, links to social media, etc. Naviaddress Business Profile doesn’t need any developers to create and support it and allows businesses to add Call-to-Action activities and track how customers are interacting with Navi Business.

Thus, with the help of Naviaddress, businesses can increase the amount of their customers, improve brand experience by providing friendly last mile directions, and save money by having the landing page on the Naviaddress platform instead of developing their own.

For more info, go to our website: https://naviaddress.com/

