Progress Update #11 — January 17th

Published in
4 min readJan 17, 2019

Dear Naviaddress Community,

We hope you had a great time during the Holiday season. We are excited to start new year. Our new update is devoted to the main achievements of 2018 and our plans for 2019. In 2019 we also plan to introduce regular articles to provide the answers for the frequently occurring questions from the recent weeks in the community as well during monthly AMAs.

Achievements after the ICO (31.03.2018) and till now from the development perspective:

• Naviaddress Beta Version 0.1. on Blockchain was released in March;
• Naviaddress Premium Beta version 0.2. was released in May;
• Premium Naviaddress Auction in 26 countries was released in September;
• Partners API was released in September during the first Naviaddress Hackathon;
• Patent for the use of numeric identifiers for locating objects and navigating in spatial maps was released for public domain by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (September, 18, 2018);
• WAZE integration for better navigation was launched in November;
• Developing and testing 3 addressing solutions: Navi Delivery, Navi Business and Navi Media;
• 2 new Solutions are in the process of development: Navi Real Estate and Navi EAM;
• The number of app users grew up to 60% and reached the total number of 100K (iOS and Android);
• Prototypes on other blockchain such as EOS and TRON have been developed after the first release on Ethereum blockchain, the RnD team is checking the opportunity for scalability Layer 2 solution on Skale Labs and Matter networks;
• On Web3 summit in Berlin the team had discussions with Polkadot and Cosmos Network about the best scalable solution for Navi postal addresses layer worldwide and the team continues to investigate opportunities in this direction.

Naviaddress Platform

Naviaddress is a global addressing system deployed into test commercial use in the end of 2016. It comprises several layers — a geo specific content database, three proprietary applications (iOS, Android and web) — for users to digitize locations and objects as well as to create, share and search users’ naviaddresses, decentralized blockchain application which allows to interact with public Ethereum network to buy and sell Naviaddress IDs.

Key features of Naviaddress Platform:
- Identification — issue a smart digital identifier (NaviAddress) and link it to a digital object;
- Digitalization — digitize any real objects and places to a digital one (a digital twin);
- Interaction — usage of a smart digital identifier by people & machines as well as expanding additional services according to location and type of object by itself, for example, food delivery or call for a taxi to user’s naviaddress.
- Decentralization — provide ownership to a right for a smart digital address and сonsequently ability to edit the linked digital metadata directly by the creator of smart digital identifier.

Navi Business allows to digitize, create and update a Business Profile of a company: a set of digits combines a postal address, information about the business and a webpage. It works as a digital name and business’s website which doesn’t need any developers to created and support it and allows Businesses to add Call-to-Action activities and track how customers are interacting with Navi Business. Current clients: small and medium businesses in Cyprus and Russia.

Navi Media allows to utilize a short memorable premium Naviaddress, which can be used for offline media such as Radio, TV, Outdoor or Print Advertising. Using Naviaddress increases productive time and place in print and outdoor advertising, TV and radio spots and provides the access to simple analytics, such as consumer insight (age, gender, interest, geography) and activities insight (number of views, number of unique visitors, their clicks and response on call-to-action button).
Current partnerships: Russian Radio Cyprus, Russian Wave.

Navi Delivery will allow to digitize, store and provide users’ generated delivery preferences, last mile route and other delivery features — increase operating margin and delivery ratio for EDC, increase satisfaction and loyalty for e-commerce and its customers). Current partnerships: DPD Delivery, SDEK, Express RMS.

Navi EAM will be a solution for Enterprise Asset Management. Each asset in the company’s infrastructure can have a naviaddress and be thoroughly analyzed and controlled from the head office. The company not only has information about the location of each item but also controls its status and maintenance, which helps to track the information about equipment and make more efficient, fact-based decisions on repairs or a change. Naviaddress and Maykor are negotiating the opportunity to launch a pilot project.

Navi Real Estate will allow real estate developers to buy premium Naviaddresses for their buildings on a very early stage of construction process even before getting a postal address. Using naviaddress helps to improve the process of development area planning, provides better experience for raw material suppliers as well as to develop more efficient marketing campaigns for sales office.

Our plan for Q1 2019 is focused on finding and acquiring Regional and Industrial Partners. We would be happy to hear your ideas of potential companies,industries and particular contacts for cooperation to explore and expand the usage and implementation of naviaddresses for businesses.

Stay tuned!

🔹Resources & useful links:

🔹Join Premium Naviaddress Sale Soft Launch

November 15th | Progress Update #10:
October 19th | Progress Update #9:
September 20th | Progress Update #8:
August 30th | Progress Update #7:
August 2d | Progress Update #6:
July 19th | Progress Update #5:
July 4th | Progress Update #4:
June 16th | Progress Update #3:
May 17th | Progress Update #2:
May 10th | Progress Update #1:

