All aboard! Navibration launches its Barcelona by the Sea Experience!

Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2019

The word Barcelona is evocative.

You hear it and you can feel the sea breeze coming off the Mediterranean. Or hear the piercing mew calls of the seagulls as they hunt for food among the city’s many sea-going vessels. Or just smell the salt air of this perennial port city.

Because, in spite of its recent Olympic glories, its Modernist rebirth and its glorious medieval past, Barcelona is a maritime city.

Barcelona, has a long-standing relationship with the sea. And the sea has made Barcelona what it is today.

And we don’t want you to forget that!

We’ve just launched our Barcelona by the Sea experience and you’ll experience this city as never before in the company of our mystery tour guide. Will you be able to guess who she is?

Join us as we stroll along Barceloneta Beach.

Learn about the golondrina pleasure boats while you are cruising along the Barcelona coastline.

Navibrate across the sea on the Rambla del Mar to Maremagnum.

Then look! It’s Christopher Columbus, one of the greatest seafarers of them all! His tools were complicated and quite rudimentary nautical charts and basic magnetic compasses. Our patented technology allows you to navigate across land and sea with just your mobile phone. And you don’t even have to be online.

Barcelona is waiting for you.

Sun, sights and of course the sea.

We will be there with you.




Navibration is a navigation system by vibration with which you can move about anywhere in the world with no Internet connection or maps.