New app version with wallet is coming

Published in
1 min readAug 3, 2019

After a long absence, here we are again to share some exciting news with our community.

We have been developing a new version of our Navibration app, in which users will be able to create a new wallet or import an existing one; on top of that, users will see their Navicoin balance! This new version will be released in August and it is the first huge step for the Navibration shared economy to become a reality. In future versions, users will be also able to buy the audio tours by paying with their Navicoin balance, always with very special discounts over paying with fiat.

We are a step closer for our token, Navicoin, to play a fundamental role within the Navibration project and the new app version with the wallet included is just the beginning. Stay tuned!




Navibration is a navigation system by vibration with which you can move about anywhere in the world with no Internet connection or maps.