NewsBTC includes Navibration among its Top Blockchain Companies to watch in Q4 2018

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1 min readSep 16, 2018

Imagine our excitement when we found ourselves included in the NewsBTC list of the Top 10 Blockchain Companies to watch in Q4 of 2018. NewsBTC aims to help readers to tune into the pulse of cryptocurrency news and describes itself as “the fastest in bitcoin news and cryptocurrency price analysis”. What could be more perfect for a company called Navibration?

According to NewsBTC, “blockchain technology remains a highly transformational technology that has the ability to impact every industry on multiple levels”. Navibration is the only Spanish blockchain company on the list, placing a very respectable 3rd, after similarly innovative start-ups Buddy and PLAYnetwork.

The NewsBTC article cites recent studies which suggest that the total value of the blockchain industry has shot up from $16m to $60m, a very encouraging statistic. As summer gives way to autumn and we roll into the fourth quarter of 2018, Navibration is looking forward to lots of exciting times. Join us, and don’t miss out on what promises to be an unforgettable journey.




Navibration is a navigation system by vibration with which you can move about anywhere in the world with no Internet connection or maps.