Nowadays social media platforms and media distribution channels are particularly popular among people

Published in
1 min readSep 7, 2018

Everyone knows where to find a new fashionable look and where to listen to a new pop hit. These platforms belong to several big corporations that get all the profits from the functionality of these platforms.
It must be noted that such platforms are incredibly useful for their owners since users are not only clients but are also workers that post their content but do not get anything for it. Essentially, companies get massive profits from the things that users themselves create and use.
We believe that this is incredibly unfair! To create a fairer ecosystem where users can both benefit the platform and get a reward proportionate to the benefit they have brought, we have decided to use blockchain. We believe that trade should be fair and that anyone who has contributed to the success of the project has to be rewarded.
You can find more information on how the Navibration Experiences platform and the reward mechanism work on our website




Navibration is a navigation system by vibration with which you can move about anywhere in the world with no Internet connection or maps.