The First and Possibly Last Letter

Stella J. McKenna
2 min readJun 16, 2015


I usually hate getting newsletters like this from websites I follow. Even when I specifically subscribe to a newsletter, I tend to just ignore them in my inbox for a few months, and then eventually unsubscribe. So, if you’re in the same boat, I get it.

That’s why, even though I’m sending this letter now, I do solemnly swear to not do it often. Like, maybe not even ever again, but certainly not in the next few months. You can hold me accountable to that.

Anyway… the purpose of this first and possibly last letter is to send you a big, juicy THANK YOU.

Thank you for following, and thank you for reading. I’m baffled and pleasantly surprised by how the number of followers of my little Medium publication has been growing over the past few weeks. I was excited when I hit 100! Now, I’m just a few away from 1,000!


I also have a confession to make: I’m a terrible, awful, no good, very bad DOER. And I’m an excellent, world-class PROCRASTINATOR. So what makes me keep writing, aside from trying to cling to sanity, is you, Followers.

I’m happy — elated! — to see my stories being read, recommended, shared, tweeted, whatever. Every highlight and every comment and every re-tweet gets read by me. I promise. Even if I don’t reply. This instant-gratification-style virtual feedback keeps me, in part, writing. It’s a positive feedback loop for which I’m truly appreciative.

So, I’d also like to ask you to keep it up! Please keep reading and commenting and sharing and tweeting. Even if you HATE something. Tell me. Why not? Opinions, strong ones especially, are good and constructive criticism is even better.

I’d love to grow my Followers even more. Please share “Navigating the Sea of Singledom” with like-minded individuals who might not know about my little nook on the internet yet.

I just created a Facebook page where I’ll be sharing stuff related to the Publication and other random stuff of interest, particularly related to dating and being a single woman in sad, sad, middle-class, non-urban America: (like me!)

And, as usual, you can reach me on Twitter @writingsolo (follow me!) and by email at (write me!)

Also: Even though this piece isn’t part of my Publication, check out “My Most Favorite Pet Name”! I’m very excited about it because you can listen to me reading it — literally telling my story in my own words — on the Comatose Podcast, episode 49!

Thanks again, Followers, most sincerely.

Stella J.



Stella J. McKenna

Mystery woman by day. Writer by night. Hopeless yet unrelenting 24–7. I like to contemplate: love, sex, feelings, quantum physics, and pop music lyrics.