The Other Side With Navigus Series: Chaithra Bhat, Electrical Power Engineer

Gopu Krishna Pillai
Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2019
The Other Side With Navigus Series: Chaithra Bhat
The Other Side With Navigus Series: Chaithra Bhat

The experience of pursuing a Master’s in Europe is a whole lot of learning and new experience in its own way. In my case it’s GERMANY At some point of the studies, the transition may seem difficult, but with a blend of smart and hardworking, that can be overcome.

It would be mostly because of the gap in the education system and how we are trained to study over the years. It was not easy for me as well. Whatever may be the performance of a student during graduation, the main task would be to rise up to the standards of what Germans consider a ‘Masters Student’.

More importantly, many students don’t have good pre-hand exposure of what is expected of you here. Back in my engineering, maybe an internship would have given me a preliminary idea of what is the application side of this field and what are the new advancements that have come up.

Sometimes even basic exposure to the cutting-edge industry helps in a great way.

Of course, there are many colleges who make internship compulsory. It is a welcome move. But what I specifically mean is, if you want to take up a specialization, like a Masters, always find an internship or some practical courses in that specific area. That way you can understand the nitty-gritty of that industry.

What do you advice to Indian students who want to take up MS overseas?
Just try to spend at least one of your semester holidays in this regard — take up an internship of your liking and explore that industry. I know it’s hard to stay away from home, but since you are out, you might as well experience the wide world and the opportunities that exist within it.”

If you really want to pursue a Masters in your interest field, go for it. You will surely have an amazing journey worth treasuring!

Chaithra Bhat

If you wish to know more about a career in electrical engineering and how to go about pursuing it, feel free to reach out to us at or sign up on our mentorship platform, Auriga.



Gopu Krishna Pillai
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