The Other Side With Navigus Series: Shubhangi Sharma, A Microbiologist

Gopu Krishna Pillai
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2019
The Other Side With Navigus Series: Shubhangi Sharma, A Microbiologist
The Other Side With Navigus Series: Shubhangi Sharma, A Microbiologist

You chose pure sciences instead of Medical? This is the end of your career and you know it!

That’s what everybody told me. But today I am an early stage researcher in Germany, working under the European Union. If you ask me to sum up my professional life in one line, it would be;

Contentment and constant evolution!

Research as a career harbors a very different perception in our country compared to others, people are still skeptical of choosing it as a career option. In contrast to the conventional viewpoint, research isn’t just about two nerdy people stuck in a lab.

It is an active field where you constantly ideate, innovate and think outside the box to solve real-world problems. The research community is very open, which gives you the chance to collaborate with people from different parts of the world. Albeit of what people say, research as a career is exciting.

Most students lack clarity and the gumption to stick by their choice and fall for what everybody else has to say about their decisions.

Most people think that the only option for a biology student is Medical or an engineering degree in Biotechnology; however, the reality is quite different.

Unconventional career options like Marine biologist or a Computational biologist are the future of life science. A career in research is truly intriguing where you get to contribute to the world while solving a real-life problem!”

What is one advice you want to give students and young professionals?

Take it slow! Give yourself time to understand what your calling is, make informed decisions, and try to get hands-on experience in the area of your interest. Do an internship or volunteer for a project. Invest in yourself, focus on building a career and not just getting a high paying 9 to 5 job.

- Shubhangi Sharma, Germany

If you wish to know more about a career in microbiology and how to go about pursuing it, feel free to reach out to Shubhangi here -



Gopu Krishna Pillai
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