Millennials, HE Tech Traps & MOOCs #GEI 07

Patrick Brothers
Navitas Ventures Blog
4 min readNov 30, 2016

Global Insights week 27 Apr 2015

Dissecting the millennial audience


Millennials are more serious about their careers and making a positive impact on the world than previous generations have been. They see travel and work experience as integral to paving the way to successful lives. The youth research firm Voxburner presents some fascinating insights to better understand this key audience group.

Universities, time for some self-reflection


A disconnect exists between the needs of the next generation of students — many of whom will be used to learning in hybrid, online formats and in informal ways — and the traditional ways that institutions teach, assess students’ learning, and award credentials. This paper explores the various drivers that are shaping change for students of the future — requiring college and university leaders to reflect and plan ahead. Download

6 challenges tripping up HE technology adoption


The NMC Horizon Report: 2015 Higher Education Edition was released in February 2015, laying out what its panel of experts believes to be the significant challenges impeding technology adoption in universities. What will hold back the use of technology in higher education over the next five years? This article highlights key trends and challenges to monitor in the coming years.

Presenting the movers and the shakers of UK’s HE industry


Compiled by an independent panel of HE experts, the 2015 HE Power List represents the top 50 movers and shakers in English higher education in the UK. Who has the most influence in the sector? Who will be instrumental in shaping its future? For the first time, the HE Power List brings you the top 50 names that set the agenda — often behind the scenes, sometimes in full view, inside and outside of universities and across the world of politics and policy making. Download

Saving for-profit higher ed’s reputation


Deserved or not, the for-profit sector is perhaps higher ed’s most controversial. And in recent years, that reputation has brought on something of a state of upheaval. Education Dive combed through recent quarterly earnings reports and call transcripts, as well as news stories, to identify the top 3 trends to watch in this space.

US’s online learning barameter says enrolment growth is slowing


The 12th annual Babson report on the state of online learning in US higher education reveals that the number of higher education students taking at least one distance education course in 2014 is up 3.7% from the previous year, representing the lowest rate of increase in over 10 years. The rapid pace of online learning growth has moderated, but it is outpacing overall higher education enrolments and becoming an increasingly important component of US higher education landscape.

Are teachers the new target for MOOCs?


A new MIT-Harvard study released on Wednesday finds that nearly 40% of learners who take open online courses are teachers. That finding has researchers wondering whether they can better design online courses once predicted to upend the student experience to meet teachers’ needs. Download

Stamping out exam fraud in the UK


Following a government review of systemic exam fraud in the UK in spring 2014, the British Home Office has taken steps to streamline the number of accredited providers for Secure English Language Tests (SELT) for visa purposes. While this is quite a radical change in policy which will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the English language teaching industry, the impact it will have on students is not yet clear. Download

International student survey results are in


The results of the 2014 International Student Survey present a positive snapshot of the experiences of international students who have chosen to study in Australia. A high percentage of international tertiary students (88%) were satisfied or very satisfied with their overall experience in Australia. This report takes a closer look at what international students think of their education experience in Australia. Download

This Week’s Infographic


