API & SDK: unveil new opportunities for business growth

Darya Yakovleva
Published in
4 min readAug 19, 2020

Today a “one-size” product can no longer fully satisfy the individual needs of customers. No matter whether it is a dress, a computer, or software — customization is the key word for business development.

How to add the missing functionality to solve specific problems? Worry not. With the help of a Developer Hub, our partners, developers, and programmers will be able to build their own solutions, modules and mobile applications. Let’s take a look at how the revamped documentation looks like.

Easier navigation

There’s now the main menu and the table of contents located on both sides, which improves the navigation process and helps to skim-read easily.

As you can see, users can quickly switch between Backend API, Panel API, and Frontend calls.

Anchor links

With the aid of anchors, users can now link directly to specific parts of an article — simply right-click on the link icon to copy the URL to that section. For example, it comes in handy when you need to send users to the exact troubleshooting step they need to follow.

You can as well copy the URL from the address bar once you click on the link icon.

New features & tools

We’ve received many requests from partners about the possibility of downloading our documentation to a personal computer. Well, now it is a reality!

You can download our documentation — just click on the Adobe PDF icon on the top right-hand corner. This way, you’ll be able to work with all the files on your PC — even with no Internet connection.

And, yes, we didn’t forget about the GitHub. Developers can get the source code of our documentation using any Git-client (Git bash, GitHub Desktop, Sourcetree) and edit with a preferable code editor (Intellij Idea, WebStorm, VS Code, Sublime Text).

In addition, we’ve implemented the ability to subscribe to regular updates to our API, so that now no change in the code will slip unnoticed.

Two heads are better than one

We wanted to reduce the friction for users when it comes to providing feedback, so we added the ability to edit each page.

See an issue with a document? Or just a typo? Want to add a description? — just click on the pencil icon and proceed with GitHub to edit the page.

Also, each API call will be supported with examples that you can simply copy and paste into your program.

How to start with our API

We are also excited to announce that we have recently added new sections to our instructions for working with the API, which will help both seasoned developers and newbies — and everyone in between — to immediately get started.

Learn more about our API and product, from the initial step of obtaining a session key to more complicated operations like retrieving a list of devices, tracks, or creating reports.

Our plans

That’s all for now. Don’t forget that our API documentation is accessible at the old address: https://developers.navixy.com. We hope that these improvements will serve well our partners and developers community, so they’ll be able to develop applications that not only satisfy their customer’s needs but also help make business more profitable.

In the near-term, we plan on implementing more exciting updates to our Dev Hub. In the meantime, make sure to follow our blog and social media accounts for the latest updates.

Originally published at https://www.navixy.com on August 19, 2020.

