How Navixy platform helped recover 12,500 USD equipment

Darya Yakovleva
Published in
3 min readOct 6, 2020

Having a compact size and a high value, semi-stationary equipment has become an attractive target for the black market. What adds oil to the fire is that companies not only suffer huge financial losses, but also put the safety of workers at risk in case of a robbery.

We wanted to prove that telematics is able to take on any challenge, so we’re excited to share a real-life success story. Learn how Navixy telematics platform together with ICS de Colombia company helped to recover semi-stationary equipment, granted both the owners and workers peace of mind and saved their finances.

Expensive equipment on the thieves’ radar

A private company requested our partner, ICS de Colombia, to protect Optical Fiber Fusion Splicers, which have an average price of 12,500 USD and are transported by mobile workers in high-risk areas.

The solution had to be discreet and robust for the owners to be able to track down the stolen equipment and safeguard the workers.

Getting peace of mind with telematics platform

Our partner found the optimal solution to this challenge by installing a Queclink GL300 device on the splicer. This rugged GPS Tracker, which is of a matchbox size, allowed the company to detect thieves interacting with the equipment.

Optical fiber fusion splicer

The company generated a set of alerts on Navixy MRM platform to get notified of the possible thefts. The External Power Cut alert was configured to detect any intentional or accidental power outages.

Another highly-effective Tracker switch on and off alert was configured on the telematics platform to notify the owner if the tracker had been turned off by a criminal or at the end of the workday; Low battery alert informed that the device had to be recharged not to lose the track. And finally, the asset tracking functionality allowed the owner to keep tabs on the tracks taken and identify the exact place and time in case of theft.

Quick recovery of the stolen equipment

Finally, teaming up the platform and the GPS tracker proved to be an effective solution even when the fusion splicer had been stolen. As a result, the platform pinpointed the current location of the equipment, which allowed the police to arrive at the place, recover the equipment and prosecute the criminals.

If you have had a similar situation in which you have effectively and ingeniously solved a problem for your client, or want to know how to solve other challenges through the platform functionalities, please reach us via or leave your comments on our social networks Facebook or Twitter.

Originally published at on October 6, 2020.

