NTS Planning Pt3
Out: Redux In: Context
?: Bootstrap Added for consideration: TailwindCSS | Vanilla CSS
Out: MongoDB vs PostgreSQL In: AWS Dynamo DB
In: AWS deployment
In: OAuth(g, fb, twit, etc), AWS cognito
For consideration: Vercel
- store in localstorage
- have a migrate button
- use dynamo db to execute migrations
- New: periodic automated backup
Sourcing Workouts/Setting Routine:
- Workout Routines are provided by the user.
1a) New: user can select from the selection of exercises on our site.
1b)New: user can use text to copy paste routines, from say reddit.
Format example:
Exercise Weight Reps Sets DayOfTheWeek
Bicep Curls 40 8 3 Monday
1c) New: user is allowed an allowance of custom exercises(to prevent overpopulating db). Not sure what kind of constraints should be put in place or how to handle it gracefully.
2. Workout Routines are migrated from pre-approved websites(For now just darebee.com
3. Workout Routines pre made by experts(Redion) exclusively for NTS.
Starting a routine:
- User starts program manually
- User sets schedule, can receive push notifications.
(no change)
Potential features(probably not MVP):
- rest countdown between sets, set by user
- alarm after #1 expires
- history, progress tracking
- trivia tracking, i.e. total weight lifted, calories burned.
- New: Workouts asking how you feel after the workout(similar to strava)
- New: Asking user what kind of equipment they have(if and when we decide to switch from bodyweight)
Bonus workflow draft: