CTO End of Year Message 2020

Theodore Georgas
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2021

Dear friends, colleagues, investors and partners,

Wow! I’m tempted to make some sort of remark about the many attributes of 2020, however, I’m just going to say that it has been a very challenging year and with the coordinated effort of our team it has concluded in a very rewarding finale. Spoiler alert: We are live with our first Cohort 1 pilot contract and have some exciting seed investment news to come, but more on that from our CEO in press releases coming very soon. In this message I would like to report from the point of view of our production line.

Our four-person product team will be welcoming in new recruits to refresh our overall perspective and add some people-power:

  • A UX specialist who will analyze our current UI along with feedback from us and our clients, and work with our UI Designer Davide Pacilio under our Frontend Lead Huan Zhang to refresh the user experience of our product and add new exciting features.
  • A backend developer that will be taking over a large portion of the technical work that I have been focused on until now, giving me more capacity to work on some of the key aspects of our roadmap for 2021.
  • A Project Manager to bring it all together and help us in developing our business. We have begun designing a development process that works for us but we will be eagerly awaiting someone to come on board to refine and manage it as well as fine-tune our internal roles and responsibilities across our development, maintenance and support operations.

As our team grows, myself and Huan Zhang will have the bandwidth to support our Blockchain Lead Ramesh Nair with work on our Smart Contracts. As this is the core of our business we aim to have more involvement from all of our lead technical team.

With the maturation and growth of our team, we are well on course to having successfully completed an independent audit of our smart contracts, refreshing the user experience of our application, automating our client onboarding, obtaining our full license from our regulatory authority in Bermuda, and running the next set of Cohort 2 pilots in 2021.

Another goal for 2021 is for us to be able to take a better team photo where we are in the same physical location. I wish you all a happy and prosperous 2021 where you are all in good health and able to be close to your loved ones!

Theodore Georgas, Nayms CTO

