
Julia Smith
Published in
1 min readNov 16, 2017
Photo via potential past (Flickr/Creative Commons)

#Naysayers is a collection of stories about the times in our lives when we’ve said no. Boundaries set. Lines drawn. Big or small asks, invitations, demands, jobs, loves, or moves declined. The idea is to celebrate — or at least illuminate — the bridges we’ve burned that light the way. The clearings for other things (even if we only make sense of them in hindsight).

We might also use this space to gently, purposefully think through things we’ve turned down that we regret later — and that we’re willing and able to write about.

To participate, you can:

  1. write and publish your own story on Medium and contact me if you’d like me to consider adding it to the Naysayers publication.
  2. Contact me, work with me, and I can publish the piece for you here.
  3. Say NOPE to me and to this platform altogether, and share your #naysayers story wherever and however you want.

Happy NOvember.



Julia Smith

Currently curating #naysayers, aka The NOvember Project. Say no to say yes. Tweet @juliacsmith to share your #naNOPEwrimo story.