How to install Nayuta Wallet ⚡a non-custodial wallet for Android and iOS (in the closed beta)

Hitomi Moriyama
Nayuta Blog (English)
3 min readAug 30, 2019

Last Updated: 20 Jul 2021
The development of Nayuta Wallet is in suspension.

Updated on September 3, 2019

Nayuta Wallet is a non-custodial wallet for Bitcoin & Lightning. The app is ready for testing and we are looking for volunteers to take it for a spin. In this article, I will introduce how to download and install the wallet on your mobile!

NOTE: The wallet probably contains bugs, therefore we recommend you spend only a small amount.

Testnet mode
  1. Send us your email address in the application form

For iOS testers;

2. Register your mobile device once you receive an email from TestFairy.

Image of an email from TestFairy

3. Download and install the app once you receive an email with a link to the app. We will send it to you via TestFairy after confirming your device is registered. (Our business hours are 10 AM -7 PM JST on weekdays. If you resister that during non-business hours, we may not respond quickly.)

Image of an email with a link to the app

For Android testers;

2. Click a link to become a tester once you receive an email from Nayuta Support.

An email from Nayuta Support


4. Download and install the app on Google Play.

NOTE: There are cases in which both emails will reach you regardless of iOS/Android.

4. Please give feedback and report bugs once you use the app in

5. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact!

About Nayuta: A start-up in the field of cryptocurrency, blockchain, and hardware. Based in Fukuoka, Japan. We develop Lightning Network from the protocol to applications. Our contribution to the development of Lightning Network to date includes:

・Contribution to BOLTs (Lightning Network RFC: )
・Developing Ptarmigan (Lightning Network node software with BOLT specifications).
・Providing feedback to other implementations of Lightning Network before it begins operation on the mainnet.
・Providing a protocol analyzer for Lightning Network.
・Attending the Lightning Developer Summit held in Adelaide.
・Offering presentations about the Lighting Network at community events in Japan and abroad.
・Publishing explanatory articles about the Lightning Network for the domestic market. For detailed information, please visit our official home page.

