Play Lightning Crush and get sats automatically!

Hitomi Moriyama
Nayuta Blog (English)
2 min readJul 20, 2021

Last updated: 6 Oct 2021
This article about Nayuta Core v.0.3.2. This article might be old. The current version is v.0.4.1!

If you have no idea about Nayuta core, please check it out here.

  1. You need Nayuta Core if you want to receive sats automatically. Would you please read the tutorial below?

2. Make sure that install Lightning Crush first. Tap “Receive only” and “Connect.”

3. ”LND Linked” means it works well. The sign may appear just one second.

4. Enjoy playing the game!

5. “claiming tip…” appears if you clear the game. Wait until it changes to “tip claimed” which means you received sats automatically!

5. You can also confirm to receive sats in Nayuta Core.

award 1 satoshi + combo 1 satoshi = 2 satoshi

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