Nazar for Slack

Our mission is to empower developers and DBAs so they can build better products by writing better SQL code. Collaboration is a key concept to achieve that.

Antônio Inocêncio


Many of our customers are Slack heavy users and started asking for an integration so they could share the information with their teams in real time and change information in order to fix their performance problems as they happened.

With that in mind, a few weeks ago we launched Nazar for Slack and now you and your teams are able to gather all the information our SaaS generates and share it right in your #devops channels. Next time you sign in, sign with your Slack account.

In case you are missing which are the most offensive queries running in your server and responsible for most of your databases resources consumption, feel free to Sign up.

Now you are able to get your list of servers being monitored, general metrics of a specific server and the most time consuming / most executed / slowest queries directly at your Slack. Here is how it works:

List of servers

With Nazar, you can add your own servers or be added as a collaborator in others' servers. So you might have multiple servers in your dashboard. To know which servers you're involved with just type /nazar servers:

List of servers you own or collaborate.

Attention Required

When you are responsible for several servers, some of them will need more attention depending on the day. Nazar gives you the list of servers that have changed their behavior in the past week or day so you don't have to worry about the others. Just type /nazar criticals.

Servers in Red means that they deserve some special attention.

Server Overview

If you need to verify the general metrics like "Total Time Spent with slow queries" about a specific server, just type /nazar overview <server_id>:

Server overview of a specific day.

Most time consuming

Type /nazar mtc <server_id> to get the top 3 most time consuming SQL commands on your server at the current day. Here is where you should start looking for optimization opportunities or the root of performance issues.

Top 3 offensive queries.

Most executed commands

Type /nazar me <server_id> to get the top 3 most executed SQL commands on your server at the current day.

Most executed queries at the day.

Slowest executions

Type /nazar se <server_id> and get the top 3 slowest SQL commands executions on your server at the current day.

Slowest queries at the specific day.


Forgot any of the commands? Type /nazar help.

Commands available.

We hope to continue our mission of helping teams communicate better to keep solving performance problems quickly and collaboratively.

Monitor, share, solve, optimize. Continuously.

