Introducing Nazca: Build-Your-Own Indexes and Long-Term Investment Strategies

Evelyn McDonald
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2018

Invest in crypto like an expert. Let technology do the leg work, in the smartest way possible.

Active Investing

Nazca helps you do more with that bitcoin you have squirrelled away in cold storage. Don’t just let them sit there. Actively invest.

Create a market-informed, and market-reactive portfolio strategy, with risk levels that suit your preferences. Use the flexible strategy wizard to re-create crypto indexes (like This, That, and The Other), or build a completely unique strategy.

Essentially, what you need is:

  1. A solid diversification model — How will your assets be weighted?
  2. Informed asset selection—Which assets will be in your portfolio?
  3. Smart automation and rebalancing—When and how will your portfolio be rebalanced?

Save Time, Do More

Manually maintaining a long-term portfolio is tedious and sub-optimal. You end up wasting hard earned profits on bad timing and rebalancing fees. Save the headache with automated and efficient asset management.

Take the “willy-nilly” out of investing. Don’t just close your eyes and select your assets by eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

The resources in the Nazca wizard will help you make informed, and data-driven investment decisions. Use our robust backtesting engine to see how your portfolio would have performed during any time frame, and monitor your profits closely on your personal dashboard.

Building Your Long-Term Strategy

You can setup up your portfolio strategy in just 5 minutes with Nazca’s step-by-step wizard.

Step 1: Choose your Distribution Model and Assets

How do you want your assets to be allocated? How often do you want your assets to be rebalanced? Which assets do you want to invest in?

Tip: click on the question marks to get an in-depth explanation of each strategy.

Nazca Wizard: Step 1

Step 2: Backtest

See how your strategy would have performed historically. You can even select a window of time in which to run the backtest.

Tip: always check your strategy against a bearish period.

Nazca Wizard: Step 2

Step 3: Add Binance API keys, Review and Execute

Nazca never holds your funds, they remain stored in Binance and managed with trade-only APIs. So the final step is to verify your API keys and execute! Your portfolio will be immediately rebalanced to reflect your new, long-term strategy.

Tip: If you don’t have a Binance account, click here for a step-by-step guide on how to generate your API keys.

Nazca Wizard: Step 3

Review the Strategy on your Dashboard

At this point, you can sit back and monitor your strategy from the Dashboard. We automatically handle the rebalancing, and report back with various stats and your current investment positions.

Tip: You can edit your strategy whenever you like.

Nazca Dashboard

Future Roadmap

The Nazca team will be focused on:

  1. Improving the asset selector to give you more analytics and insight to the crypto market and the correlations at play.
  2. Advanced distribution models.
  3. Allow users to emulate any investor’s strategy with one click.

Are you an experienced investor? Apply here to to become a Nazca Shaman.

Time to get a little intimate… let’s talk! We (the Nazca team) like to chat. Send us a message on Telegram to talk about your investment strategies, questions about the app, feature suggestions, the weather…

Start investing

A video tutorial on how to create your strategy using the wizard:

Wizard Walkthrough: Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index

