Virtual reality RunnerVR v0.1 Demo

Nazzareno Giannelli
Nazzareno Giannelli
1 min readFeb 7, 2017

Combining the power of Unreal Engine and the immersive sensations brought by Virtual Reality in a running simulator.

Virtual Reality applied to real world situations

This early stage version 0.1 of RunnerVR brings you in a peaceful neighborhood. You can freely explore and enjoy it while you are jogging around the place. This is just a first step toward an Augmented Experience that could bring you anywhere in the world (and even in fantastic unexisting places). We envision this kind of technology applied to tapis roulant machines in gyms in the near future. In this way, you can have your 30 minutes run in many different places and situations, while you are doing your workout.

[somryv url=”JQTfzGm7-ns” size=”large” align=”center”]



Nazzareno Giannelli
Nazzareno Giannelli

Founder @ R3PLICA — Expanding reality with real-time 3D SaaS projects