Washington, D.C. — This past week, the nation have been confronted with the ugly truth of current immigration policy under this administration. Countless immigrant families are being torn apart by the Trump Administration. While, the National Black Action Committee works in a bipartisan fashion for justice and equality; “Truth” stands alone and stands clear. The reality, is that President Donald Trump since being in office has perpetuated rhetoric that simply blames the Democratic Party for this nation’s inhumane immigration practices. However, it is the position of NBAC to acknowledge that this administration has lacked leadership that promotes a clear and accountable pathway towards citizenship. As black people, we understand first hand the positive impact immigrants and new-americans can make on this nation. As descendents of slaves, who built America, we know that immigrants represent the greatness of America. There are few of us who are truly native to this land; they too have suffered. Therefore, the idea that immigration or immigrants being detrimental to this country is erroneous and immoral.
The Trump Administration has now found numerous excuses regarding their blame for the Democrats’ negligent decision when putting the policies in place. Children have been ripped from their family are now being placed in immigration camps and or detention centers. The american people have been left in the dark and even United States Senators have been denied access to these centers. The reality is this is a crime against humanity.
This week, a video was released showing where the families are being held and how they are being treated. They are seen laying on mats and living in cages like animals. Since witnessing the video of Immigrant families being caged many have taken to social media to express how they can remove these families from the border patrol buildings. It was only then, did we see President Donald J. Trump issue an executive order that simply keeps families together in detention. Family Detention is still detention. We the National Black Action Committee urge the President and Congress to work on sensible immigration reform that makes the pathway to citizenship obtainable. We support the idea of border control, however, we reject all inhumane actions that separate family and detain immigrants in cages like animals. We also urge the United States and the President to rejoin the UN Human Rights Council.
Now is the time for change! Enough is enough!
Jasmine Lee| NBAC Press Officer