NBC News’ new opinion section THINK helps explain why the news matters

With THINK, we’re creating a dynamic home for sharp analysis, expert opinions and diverse perspectives

Meredith Bennett-Smith
NBC News Digital
3 min readOct 10, 2017


THINK is NBC News’ new home for fresh opinion, sharp analysis and powerful essays. Mixing text, illustrations, data visualizations and original video, THINK will help readers interpret and evaluate the world and their place in it.

It’s a heady proposition, and one we take seriously. Online readers are now bombarded with information, but have to search for real insight. We believe there is value in providing analysis and commentary that is based in expertise and personal experience.

From the earliest days of broadcast television to its current programming on cable TV and Snapchat, NBC News has long fulfilled its mission of presenting and explaining world events. Starting today, as part of our expanded presence on the web, we have an opportunity to present a large and diverse set of opinions on those events. They will range across the spectrum, but will always be provocative and enlightening.

To do this, the THINK team promises to do three things:

1) We will always be transparent

Readers may not always like or agree with the points of view they read and watch on THINK. This is not only OK; it’s preferred. The point of this section is not to keep readers comfortable, enable groupthink or preach to the choir. But we will always make sure our readers know who our contributors are, and why we believe their opinions are worthwhile.

2) We will always be factual

A common criticism of opinion journalism is that it is easy. Well, ANYONE can have an opinion, critics snark. That’s true, but not all of these opinions are created equally. Opinion expressed in THINK will be carefully reasoned and based in fact. The ways facts are interpreted may change from reader to reader and expert to expert, but we will always try to make sure the foundation of each argument is clear and sound.

3) We will always be interesting

THINK will commission its articles from a wide variety of contributors, creating an opinion section that is racially, geographically and ideologically diverse, drawing on the collective power of the Internet.

Speaking of collective power, THINK wants to hear from you! We are looking for essays, videos, graphics and illustrations that can help make sense of the most important questions and news stories of our time. We are also looking for perspectives that may help others navigate their ethical, moral or personal quandaries.

We want to push the conversation forward, not simply add to the noise. If you have an argument or perspective worth sharing, please reach out to us on Twitter.

Please check out THINK on nbcnews.com/THINK and let us know your thoughts!

Meredith Bennett-Smith and Megan Carpentier, co-editors of THINK

