The IoT Hub Berlin Opens at Factory

Setting the Stage for IoT Innovation from the German Capital

Next Big Thing AG
4 min readJul 10, 2018


Next Big Thing AG was pleased to be an integral part of the housewarming for the opening of the IoT Hub Berlin, located at our new home in Factory Görlitzer Park. The IoT Hub Berlin is 1 of 12 digital hubs across Germany, a network supported by an initiative from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

The hub initiative strengthens Germany’s global digital leadership with centers of technical excellence and proven market competence. Through these hubs, national and international partners collaboratively develop innovative ideas and solutions for a solid economic future.

Together, the 12 digital hubs form a strong and complimentary network which now is fortified by GTAI, Germany Trade And Invest, to bring talent to Germany.

Guests gathered for the opening of the Berlin IoT Hub at Factory Görlitzer Park.

The event on July 2, 2018 – which included presentations followed by a bbq – ushered partners and colleagues from across the Berlin IoT Ecosystem into this new space to hear key representatives from Factory Berlin, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin Partner, and Next Big Thing AG. Speakers also included representatives from the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises and the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie, or BMWi.

Catherine Bischoff, Chief Strategy Officer at Factory Berlin, shares the agenda featuring key speakers.

Catherine Bischoff, Chief Strategy Officer of Factory Berlin, welcomed guests from diverse backgrounds in science, technology, politics and media. The audience heard from an experienced panel about how the IoT ecosystem is growing in Berlin — attracting talent from around the globe.

Udo Schloemer, Managing Director & Chief Visionary Officer of Factory, discusses the role of the IoT hub.

After Catherine’s intro, Udo Schloemer, Managing Director and Chief Visionary Officer at Factory, kicked off the conversation about how the IoT hub at Factory serves as a meeting point, or platform, where new and old economies meet and solve problems using IoT, machine learning, AI, and blockchain. Bringing together governmental support, scientific research, and technological knowledge fuels entrepreneurial innovation while also helping to back the German industry’s future.

Harald Zapp, CEO of Next Big Thing AG, a main partner in this de:hub, stressed that knowledge, tech, and sustainability must be synched. He explained how NBT draws from two wells of inspiration: one of entrepreneurial ideas and one of IoT competence. Through cooperation with German industry partners, NBT helps the German Mittelstand to transform — bringing ideas to market faster.

After the panel discussed how this IoT hub brings forth new possibilities, the event transitioned into a moving tour of different ‘stations’ within the Factory campus. The visit included NBT’s healthcare venture Assistr, Fraunhofer’s Center for Digital Network, and Siemens’ MindSphere as pictured below.

The housewarming tour involved visiting stations throughout Factory, where partners and companies offered product presentations and Q&A.
Jens Grudno, CEO and Founder at Assistr, NBT’s healthcare venture, on the 4th floor of Factory
Fraunhofer’s Center for Digital Network, 2nd Floor at Factory
Siemens MindSphere, 2nd floor at Factory

After some time for Q & A at each station, the evening wrapped up with a summer bbq in Factory’s courtyard. Guests mingled to share ideas, contacts, experiences, and of course — great food and drinks. Expect to hear more IoT news from this key hub of Berlin!

The IoT Hub Berlin BBQ in the Factory Görlitzer Park courtyard

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Become part of the IoT and blockchain ecosystem in Germany; discover how NBT frames the community here.

Originally published by Elisheva Marcus at



Next Big Thing AG

Europe’s leading venture studio for the Machine Economy that co-founds deep-tech companies with aspiring founders & corporates.