Women in Tech: Get to Know Fernanda Ivatiuk

Next Big Thing AG
Next Big Thing Tank
4 min readMar 11, 2022

The amount of women working in the tech sector is steadily rising, thanks in part to more accessible classes, more mentoring, and a high number of women looking to change their careers. But, there are still far fewer women in the industry than hoped.

Fernanda Ivatiuk, a venture developer and former entrepreneur out of Brazil, talks about how we need to share more success stories of women finding their true passion in life and thriving in the industry. She thinks by doing so, we can encourage more women to pursue careers in this field.

What is your current position at NBT?

I am a venture developer, which means I help founders in the process of building their companies, and act as a product manager for the venture. I support them in areas like go-to-market strategy, customer validation and acquisition, business development, marketing, sales, and product development. I also coach founders on entrepreneurial, leadership, and team-building skills.

What made you interested in working in tech?

I was an entrepreneur in Brazil, and I was always studying the market and looking for new opportunities. It was inevitable to step into the tech world as the next step to develop my business and shift to building an ed-tech start-up as a co-founder. Moreover, I always enjoyed the start-up mentality that you can build and test things fast. It enables you to build scalable products — and also to dream bigger.

Why do you think there are still so few women in the tech industry?

I think many women are not aware of the existing opportunities in the tech industry nowadays. We see so many jobs that did not exist some years ago, and this scenario is changing really fast, creating many opportunities for people with a non-tech background.

How can we encourage more women to pursue a career in technology?

I think there is a lack of role models. While the number of women in tech is not as high as it could be, there are some great stories that need to be told, especially about women founders. When you hear a story about real-world people who did extraordinary things like starting a tech company and succeeding, that can serve as an inspiration for other women who would not believe this could even be an option. We need to share more of these success stories.

What advice do you have to those who are trying to break into the tech sector?

I believe there has never been a better time than the one we are living in to get into the tech sector. Opportunities are booming, people are really valued, not only for their academic background but also for their skills. Having more women in the tech sector also means that we have a diversity of thoughts and intakes. It’s a win-win for everyone.

What is one piece of advice you wish you had been given at the beginning of your career?

Don’t be afraid to speak your mind and believe in your gut feeling. I’ve heard too many stories about women having the so-called ‘impostor’s syndrome,’ leading them to not apply for a certain job or a promotion. I think people should talk about it more often because, by sharing, we can create a network of women helping each other to overcome it. We should trust our knowledge and instincts and not let anyone make us believe we cannot achieve something.

Want to read more about women in tech? Check out our Academy article!

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Next Big Thing AG
Next Big Thing Tank

Europe’s leading venture studio for the Machine Economy that co-founds deep-tech companies with aspiring founders & corporates. http://www.nextbigthing.ag/