Women in Tech: Get to Know Sera Akinci

Next Big Thing AG
Next Big Thing Tank
4 min readMar 9, 2022

The tech industry as we know it is still a man’s world, making it extra important to get women into this realm. While it may sound simple, it’s a lot harder than one may imagine — just ask any woman trying to break into this boys’ club.

We spoke with Sera Akinci, a Venture Builder and Board Member at NBT’s portfolio venture, Enclave Networks. She tells us why she thinks it’s important to get women into the industry and some steps the tech world can take to encourage more women to pursue careers in this field.

Sera, what is your current position at NBT?

I joined NBT as a Venture Builder and Board Member to Enclave Networks.

What made you interested in working in tech?

To me, tech is creativity. Tech is inspiring. Tech is optimism. The key here is, like in everything else, the positive intentions behind the technological invention/solution.

If you are part of a tech company that adds value, not only to its customers but also to the environment, you feel more inspired and satisfied in where you put your energy on a daily basis.

Why do you think there are still so few women in the tech industry?

There are various reasons, but in essence, it would come down to personal beliefs in gender stereotypes and the lack of talent pool, although the number of women in tech is steadily increasing, especially in recent years.

How can we encourage more women to pursue a career in technology?

I think it comes with the awareness and understanding of what the term technology really stands for. Technology by definition is two Greek words: Techne and Logos. Techne means skill, craft, and art, while Logos means by which inward thought is expressed. Technology, therefore, is another form of physical expression of creativity and innovation.

We have been programmed to fit into certain boxes and do certain things without even really questioning it. Luckily, just like in every aspect of life, things are changing quite rapidly, and more and more people are becoming inquisitive — flourishing a desire to explore the tech world and adapt to the direction in which we are going.

I believe the best way to encourage women to pursue careers in technology is to be role models. Teach tech early on in education and reinforce courses. Encourage women to join an organization that allows them to grow and experience wearing different hats.

What is one piece of advice you wish you had been given at the beginning of your career?

If there is one piece of advice I would have given myself or anyone at the beginning of their career, it would be: Don’t be afraid to find yourself first! This is also what I did. Be curious, ask questions, and research things. Experiment, learn, follow inspiring people, and be disciplined without being too hard on yourself. Keep your mind open to possibilities and where you want to see yourself contributing to a better world. Break your limits and follow your passion — your heart!

How does having a successful start-up in your past impact your role with the venture founders at NBT?

Having the opportunity to build something and turn it into a profitable business requires not only a product/market fit, but also passion, ownership, communication, analytical skills and leadership. To me, it was the most difficult and fulfilling seven years where I learned all aspects of a start-up business, as well as people management and psychology. I chose to continue to learn in different industries and took on different roles as I believe learning is a non-ending cycle.

I work for my passion, and my role at NBT fulfills it. I work together with two great start-ups as a co-founder representing NBT (one in IoT and the other in cybersecurity) and with their wonderful team members to bring a newly founded tech company into a profitable growing business. Having start-up experience and leading start-ups allows you to transfer your valuable experiences and knowledge in all areas: GTM, product development, finance, investment, and leadership mentoring. You need to be a role model, show how to adapt to changes and uncertainty, guide team members to be focused on the goals, challenge ideas, and be empathetic, positive, and supportive.

When venture founders start with us, they first need to focus on building a product alongside hiring for their team, as well as setting strategic business goals with us. I believe having to experience the same processes and difficulties pushes the founders in the right direction.

Want to read more about women in tech? Check out our Academy article!

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Next Big Thing AG
Next Big Thing Tank

Europe’s leading venture studio for the Machine Economy that co-founds deep-tech companies with aspiring founders & corporates. http://www.nextbigthing.ag/