Save time — Launch Pycharm (Jetbrains) from your terminal

Mart Noten
2 min readOct 22, 2021


I’ll keep it short this time: the other day I was searching for the Jetbrains equivalent of code . to open up a project in my Jetbrains IDE through my terminal. I thought they must have something.

The official documentation was a bit hard to find and outdated but it’s actually really simple and it might save you a minute every-time you open a project. Easy gains!

This post is copied over from the original on our you can find it here.

How you get it?

They have moved the configuration under the Jetbrains Toolbox.

First open up the Jetbrains Toolbox’ settings by clicking the cog icon in the tool’s window.

Select the general settings page of Jetbrains Toolbox

Then, scroll down and enable the Generate Shell Scripts option and enter /usr/local/bin as a location.


That should be it. You can check the command under the configuration per tool but the default values are:

pycharm . to open a pycharm project in that current

webstorm . to open a pycharm project in that current

Select the configuration per IDE, scroll down to the Configuration options and look for the Shell Script Name

Looking for more?

We have more actual stories on our blog: NBTL. Over there you can find tons of content on what you can actually build with this new trick you’ve just picked up. How about:



Mart Noten

AWS Architect from the writing technical articles focussing on cloud technologies.