The Monster

Brooke Newton
NC Tails
Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2015

I don’t want you. Please go away.

I wish that you would not look at me that way.

You are the kind that I do not like

So if you could, please take a hike


I have been told that you are mean

But who can blame you? it’s part of your genes.

I don’t want to run. I don’t want to fight.

Would you attack me just out of spite?


I won’t make a home with someone that scary

Not with the reputation that you carry

Will you hurt my family when I turn my back?

Will I live in constant fear of an attack?

I look at you, so big and strong

Living with you can almost seem wrong

You could overpower me if you tried

Would you even care if I died?


What I am looking for is a friend

To stay by my side until the end

But i don’t know how could trust you

Especially if all the stories are true


So please, I don’t want you. Just go away.

You are a monster, that’s what I say

I hope that others will be just as smart

And not end up with you; you have no heart


But if you look again at what you have heard

You may realize that these were MY words

As you were reading through this page

You were judging the wrong side of the cage


I am trapped behind bars looking at you

And yet you deny what is really true

Take a second look and it will be clear;

Humans are the true ones to fear

