Vlogging: Marcos’ New Media

The victory of President Bongbong Marcos would have not been possible without the contributions of his loyal vlogger army. Could this be the start of content creators covering the happenings within Malacañang?

5 min readJul 22, 2022


by Martina Serilla

After losing the Vice Presidential race in 2016, President Bongbong Marcos has made himself relevant, soaking up the spotlight of almost every news headline. This year, he finally got what he wanted: the title of president and the ultimate opportunity to rehabilitate the Marcos name.

Marcos Jr.’s landslide win, despite an active opposition, was achieved using social media as his top machinery.

The Marcos family has been continuously (and arguably inadequately) criticized due to the brutal rule of the dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr. — claims that have been backed by several studies and testimonies from the victims of Martial Law. Despite widespread calls for accountability, support from the Pro-Marcos camp surged; this was done with the help of online platforms such as Facebook, Tiktok, and YouTube.

The glaring truth is that Marcos Jr. did not do this alone.

The 31 million Filipinos who voted for Marcos Jr. were not inspired alone by the presidential candidate himself, who often chose to stray away from debates and discussions during the campaign period. Rather, the key to his victory was the so-called “Pro-Marcos vloggers” who followed him, 24/7, in his political campaigns and events. These people gained their audience online by producing videos supposedly ‘debunking’ information critical of the Marcos family.

Content: This is the number one tool that vloggers reinforce their respective YouTube channels with. Without this, there are no views. More importantly, there are no pennies to keep. Marcos Jr. continues to provide content to these vloggers so they can make a living.

Rappler’s Rambo Talabong’s interviewed Pro-Marcos vloggers like Mr. Raketero where the latter shared about his ‘rakets.’ These were generally low-paying jobs like driving a pedicab or working as a freelance talent that he took on to provide for his family’s necessities.

Euphoniaco TV, on the other hand, used to be an overseas Filipino worker (OFW). He expressed his dissatisfaction with working abroad for his family. The vlogger compared this to his current career as a vlogger and said that he can better support his family through vlogging and without leaving the country for years at a time.

The Youtube Partner Program never fails as a primary source of income as long as the required numbers are met by these content creators. This platform has been essential for vloggers to carry on with their personal goals and in financing their family’s basic needs.

As a consequence, these Pro-Marcos vloggers are compelled to make Marcos’ content, showing their support and disregarding history and proper research. Indeed, they are victims, too. Only taking advantage of the fact that they will be able to sleep well, knowing their families will eat three meals the following day.

Vlogging as the New Media and Press

The appointment of Atty. Trixie Cruz Angeles as the new Press Secretary opened the door for entertainment to overtake information.

As accreditation from the Securities and Exchange Commission and organizational principles are needed to secure a Malacañang accreditation, a group consisting of Pro-Marcos vloggers was formed: the United Vloggers and Influencers of the Philippines (UVIP). The group aims to gain access to the palace and to share government-released information on their respective social media accounts.

Currently, the UVIP is seeking authorization from the SEC while finalizing its constitution and by-laws, as well as its code of ethics. According to the press secretary, they will continue to push for the accreditation of these vloggers to cover the president’s press briefings.

Working on these documents paved the way for these vloggers to gather and learn about their mission and vision as a group that provides information to the public. This only strengthened their desire to be the bearers of primary information from the palace, as they claim to be ‘nonpartisan.’

According to one of their members, “We will not be biased,” but this is by far one of the most impossible things they could promise. The fact that they are unabashedly Pro-Marcos and produce content that caters to Pro-Marcos views means that they produce content out of loyalty — not for entertainment, nor to share ‘unbiased’ perspectives.

To prove their neutral stance, another member said, “We are pro-government, we are not anti-government… we will be a partner of the government.”

A Shame to Journalism

It would be unsurprising if the UVIP will be given Malacañang accreditation. Similar to their roles as vloggers with distorted opinions, the truth of what is happening within the government also has the potential to be manipulated.

This threatens not only the media but also the general public.

Media practitioners and journalists work hand-in-hand to unravel the truth in every story and to deliver the same to the public. The establishment of the UVIP and the popularity of Pro-Marcos vloggers present a threat to the principles and practices that the press upholds.

With this move, the UVIP will continue to carry themselves to the top; their thumbnails acting as demarcation points in the ongoing disinformation campaign fueled by the Marcoses. The media, on the other hand, will be increasingly antagonized and invalidated. Despite this, however, presswork will continue in one way or another.

Looking at how vlogging works, it is undeniably far from the practices of mainstream media. From its main purpose to how it is executed, there must be a distinction established between them.

Years of studying journalism do not end with just the blood, sweat and tears poured onto an article. This also includes proper investigation and verification, ethics, and principles. These are not a priority to those who are part of the UVIP.

When Talabong asked about the vloggers’ sources of information, they answered YouTube, Facebook, and Tiktok. This, unfortunately, is the level of research that Pro-Marcos vloggers are accustomed to. Again, they are also victims of disinformation, but it is their willing participation that perpetuates the cycle of disinformation.

As the power of social media continues to conquer, it will continue to deliver content that favors those in power — those in control of a machinery that can manipulate, and even fabricate, narratives. Undeniably, the use of the online platform has become their main strategy in making people believe what they say.

The press? To those already blinded, the media is seen as a nuisance. Something to get rid of.

Journalism is not only a degree to prove one’s capability to gather evidence and build a story. It is both a power and a duty that must be upheld by every member of the press to serve the people. We must not allow the influence of one family to undermine the truth, and by extension, the freedoms that were hard-fought by those before us.

Upholding the truth and executing fairness means war, and the pen and paper are its sword and shield.




The official student journal-publication of the UP National College of Public Administration and Governance.