#IntelContent Conference — Here’s What You Missed

Matt Solar
3 min readMar 28, 2018


If you’ve missed #IntelContent last week, we’ve got you covered. Here is an overview of interesting sessions and takeaways about the latest trends in content marketing.

Intelligent Content Conference 2018 took place last week in Las Vegas. It’s a content strategy event for marketing professionals and it provides useful insights for everyone interested in using content as part of their business. The conference wants to highlight the importance of an effective content strategy as part of a business, while marketers can benefit from a different approach that stays away from predictable approaches.

If you didn’t attend the conference last week, here are the best topics, quotes and tweets to help you beat your FOMO.

How can you measure the quality of your content?

Megan Gilhooly talked about the importance of measuring the quality of our content. As she mentioned, it’s not enough to analyze the customer behavior to indicate the quality of the content.

In fact, there are many drivers of content quality. Here’s what makes a content of high quality:

We tend to trust content the most when it:

  • Helps us do what I need to do
  • Is easy to access
  • Is easy to understand
  • Is consistent across all channels
  • Is easy to view on a mobile device

How to make the most of content technology

The best way to use content technology is to create a content technology strategy. According to Cathy McKnight, there are four pillars of content technology success:

  1. Don’t get distracted by shiny objects.
  2. Be in the present, but look to the future.
  3. Measure twice, then act.
  4. Have the right team, with the right skills, who understand the strategy.

What we need to remember is that it’s easy to be distracted by new and shiny objects (e.g. new technologies). What’s useful is to have a set strategy that will help us find a balance between innovation and success.

The changing multi-channel, multi-modal content landscape

Cruce Saunders presented a content intelligence framework to show the content can be connected with the customer journey. This offers a useful representation of your content assets depends on a consistent structure.

Published, interactive, and automated content make the content intelligence framework.

What Cruce Saunders reminds us is that “whoever removes the most friction, will win the most customers.”

After all, content has to provide value, but it also needs to be valued as an asset.


Explore the non obvious content marketing

Andy Crestodina delivered a very interesting session on the unique approach we need to explore when trying to find content marketing success.

There’s no need to stick only to the tested methods. After all, “it’s 2018, you can’t hoard knowledge.”

What does this mean then? First of all, there’s no need to keep creating content without optimising your existing one as much as possible.

As Andy Crestodina mentioned, “you don’t need 1000 articles, you need 100 great articles.”

The keys to find content success

If you’re still struggling to find content success with your strategy, then you would have enjoyed the session by Andrea Ames. Andrea Ames talked about the ‘intelligent content’ that thrives through the ecosystem that surrounds it.

This means that your content strategy can significantly benefit from your culture, your organisation, your team and your process.

Nowadays, everyone is a stakeholder in content. The ultimate goal is to convince everyone in your team about the content’s value. Once you get everyone involved, it becomes easier to get buy in for your future content strategy.

Thus, the keys to content success are:

  • Successful stakeholder relationships
  • Good communication
  • Ruthless prioritization
  • Good optimisation and automation
  • Audience value focus

What’s useful is to design and then document your process in order to analyse and measure (and reward) the impact of your intelligent content.

After all, content teams should act as the partners with other teams throughout the company, aiming to help the business find further success.

How marketers are tweeting about #IntelContent

Here are some more thoughtful tweets about the Intelligent Content Conference to offer additional value.

What did you take away from the #IntelContent Conference?

