Launched: The nDash Content Calendar

Matt Solar
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2018

The ability to listen to, and iterate on, customer feedback is critical to any B2B software company. At the end of 2017, when we launched our first feedback survey, one of the most commonly requested features from our customers was a content calendar — one that would help them identify gaps in their publishing cadence, and enable them to quickly see what’s due, what’s in-progress, and what’s being published on a daily basis.

Armed with this feedback, we got to work creating a content calendar, and today, we’re very excited to announce that it’s now a key part of the nDash platform.

Designed for brands and agencies, the calendar allows you to easily:

  • See your entire content calendar in one screen enabling you to quickly find current campaigns and identify upcoming content gaps.
  • Edit dates using drag-and-drop functionality to help you better manage your content creation pipeline across your internal and freelancer teams.
  • Differentiate between due dates and publish dates to ensure content doesn’t get lost in the shuffle.
  • Add content & campaign notes for improved collaboration and ideation across your marketing team.

To see it in action, check out our 90-second overview video:

As brands get more people involved in the content creation process — whether they be in-house contributors or freelancers — it’s becoming increasingly critical to provide visibility across the entire operation. This feature aims to help bridge that gap.

We’ll continue to iterate based on your feedback so, please, let us know how we can help your team continue to scale your content marketing efforts.

Schedule Your Content Today

The feature is included in our Pro and Premium company tiers. Existing subscribers can log in today to start filling their upcoming calendar.

Not a subscriber?

Company subscriptions start at just $25 per month. Please visit our pricing page to find out which plan is right for your company.

