Need Content Ideas? nDash Launches Open Pitch Requests and Other New Features

Matt Solar
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2017

Every great piece of content started as a great idea. And without a steady stream of great ideas, it’s literally impossible to publish great content on a consistent basis. This principle is well-established in the field of journalism, hence why so many publications solicit pitches from freelance writers.

But what about brand journalism? Don’t companies have the same need to populate their editorial calendars with high quality topics? Of course. It’s the main reason why we built the nDash platform and gave writers the ability to pitch brands unique content ideas.

Until recently, however, it was somewhat difficult for companies on nDash to get a lot of these ideas at once. And with that in mind, we’re excited to announce the launch of a new feature: open pitch requests.

Throughout the nDash platform, you’ll now notice a “Request Ideas” button on the top of the page. Think of this like a call for submissions; you’re asking writers from our community to pitch your brand unique ideas for blogs, articles or whitepapers.

Content Creation Software & Services

Who sees the request?
Every writer in the nDash community. If you only want specific writers to pitch you ideas, you can do so on the “My Writers” tab or by selecting specific writers in the “Browse All Writers” link.

What details should I include?
Give writers a few notes on the themes and/or topics you’re interested in. You can also include a note about the price range. Note that every writer will pitch you from your brand profile page, so make sure that is up to date.

Content Creation Software & Services

How long does it stay up?
Your idea request will be visible to writers for 72 hours.

Since our launch less than a year ago, almost 70% of all paid assignments have been the result of a writer pitching a unique content topic. With this new feature, we hope to maintain that ratio, while drastically increasing the quality and quantity of ideas for nDash customers. Ready to try it out? Log In and Get Started.

Other features and enhancements in our latest release include:

  • Updated Search (writers and companies): We’ve made several improvements on our search engine that’ll make it easier to find the information you’re looking for.
  • New Writer Countries: nDash is now available to writers in both New Zealand and Switzerland, bring our country total up to 25.
  • Stripe Security Enhancements: Backend tweaks to further increase the level of payment security.

We have a lot more in the works for Q4 and beyond, but if you have a feature request you’d like to see, please let us know!

